Ola Middle School Chorus

Where Friendship Meets Music 


We perform four times a year, including our spring concert. It incorporates everything from Broadway to pop music. There are props, dancing, costumes, an amazing stage, and professional lighting and sound. It is always one of our favorite performances of the year!


Each year, we have opportunities for field trips. Our 8th graders go to Orlando! We travel for Large Group Performance Evaluation. Students have the opportunity to travel for honors choirs and other exciting performance opportunities.


Our favorite part of chorus? Being together. Our group becomes a family, and we love making memories together. Inside class, on field trips, during rehearsals, you name it. We are having a blast while we do it! We make memories every day.

Ready to Join in the Fun?

While it is strongly recommended students join chorus in 6th grade, It is never too late to join!

All Grades- Email bailey.harvilsevier@henry.k12.ga.us to sign up

A Note from the Director 


I am beyond excited to be working with you this year! Chorus absolutely changes lives, and it is so exciting to watch you step on the stage and light it up with passion and talent. There’s no better feeling than being a part of something so much bigger than yourself and watching it all come together as a team. I look forward to watching you all grow closer to each other through excellent musicianship! I am always here to support you in whatever you need, so don't hesitate to reach out.

See you soon,

Mrs. Harvil-Sevier


Ola Middle School Chorus     


Ola Middle Chorus 

Remind 101

Join for chorus reminders-    Sign up info in handbook