My brother and I have been playing 1.12 packs for a while and recently decided to try out 1.16 packs as we figured they should be developed enough by now, but try as we might, I have been unable to find any way to share quest progress with my brother in the 1.16.5 modpacks we have been playing.

It was also a pleasure to see Lachlan Evenson, the release team lead for Kubernetes 1.16, win the CNCF "Top Ambassador" award at KubeCon. We talked with Lachie when 1.16 was released, and as is becoming a tradition, we are delighted to share an abridged version of that interview with the readers of the Kubernetes Blog.

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LACHLAN EVENSON: There wasn't a lot of the workload APIs. Back in 1.0, there wasn't even Deployments. There wasn't Ingress. Back in the day, there were a lot of people in those points trying to build those workload APIs on top of Kubernetes, but they didn't actually have any way to extend Kubernetes itself. There were no third-party resources. There were no operators, no custom resources.

So it's great to have seen and been a part of the Kubernetes community from 0.8 to 1.16, and actually leading that release. So I've seen a lot, and it's been a wonderful part of my adventures in open-source.

I think they're the big headline features for 1.16, but there are a slew. There were 31 enhancements that went into Kubernetes 1.16. And I know there have been questions out there in the community saying, well, how do we decide what's stable? Eight of those were stable, eight of those were beta, and the rest of those features, the 15 remaining, were actually in alpha. There were quite a few things that went from alpha into beta and beta into stable, so I think that's a good progression for the release, as well.

And this is where ephemeral containers come in. I can actually insert a container into a running pod-- and let's just call that a debug container-- that has all my slew of tools that I need to debug that running workload, and I can insert that into a pod at runtime. So I think ephemeral containers is a really interesting feature that's been included in 1.16 in alpha, which allows a greater debugging story for the Kubernetes community.

And then, in 1.15, I was asked if I could be a lead shadow. And the lead shadow is to stand alongside the lead and help the lead fill their duties. So if they're out, if they need people to wrangle different parts of the community, I would go out and do that. I've served on three releases at this point-- 1.14, 1.15, and 1.16.

LACHLAN EVENSON: It is a full time job. And let me say that this release team in 1.16 represented five different continents. We can count Antarctica as not having anybody, but we didn't have anybody from South America for that release, which was unfortunate. But we had people from Australia, China, India, Tanzania. We have a good spread-- Europe, North America. It's great to have that spread and that continuity, which allowed for us to get things done throughout the day.

LACHLAN EVENSON: Scheduling a meeting was extremely difficult. Typically, on the release team, we run one Europe, Western Europe, and North American-friendly meeting, and then we ask the team if they would like to hold another meeting. Now, in the case of 1.16, they didn't want to hold another meeting. We actually put it out to survey. But in previous releases, we held an EU in the morning so that people in India, as well, or maybe even late-night in China, could be involved.

What we did in the previous 1.15, we actually had a role call the test-infra role. And thanks to the wonderful work of the folks of the test-infra team out of Google-- Katharine Berry, and Ben Elder, and other folks-- they actually automated this role completely that we could get rid of it in the 1.16 release and still have our same-- and be able to get a release out the door.

I think a lot of these things are ripe for automation, and therefore, we can have a lot less of a footprint going forward. Let's automate the bits of the process that we can and actually refine the process to make sure that the people that are involved are not doing the repetitive tasks over and over again. In the era of enhancements, we could streamline that process. CI signal and bug triage, there are places we could actually go in and automate that as well. I think one place that's been done really well in 1.16 was in the release notes.

And then everybody kind of jumped onto that. And my inbox is full of free Olive Garden gift certificates now, and it's taken on a life of its own. And at this point, I'm just embracing it-- so much so that we might even have the 1.16 release party at an Olive Garden in San Diego, if it can accommodate 10,000 people.

Super Voxel Party is a minigame map created by Origin_MC and TheNerdyGinger. This is a completely functional 4-player Mario Party game in Minecraft. Roll the dice to move across classic Mario Party boards, collecting coins and stars while using goodies and playing minigames. After the party, whoever has the most stars wins! There are 6 traditional Mario Party boards: Grand Canal, Manor of Madness, Diabolic War Fort, Hyrule, Pirate Dream, and Old Complex. While all 45 minigames in this map can be played freely, all other game modes, such as 2v2, 1v3, so on, require at least 4 players to play. There are some notes for hosting this map below. Download the map and remember to check it out.

I am having the same type of an issue and I can confirm that it is not related to a third-party plugin. The 1.16.9 update causes the [popup_trigger] shortcode to spit out all of the contents it wraps as code instead of actual HTML tags.

After the Sceneform 1.15.0 plugin broke on newer Android Studio platform >3.6+, I made the shift to 1.16.0 on the advice of the github sceneform-sdk page. After installing the Sceneform sdk 1.16.0, I faced several major issues.

The state of Sceneform SDK libraries. From reddit chats, some people have suggested the shift to other rendering engines like Filament or other 3rd party game engines like Unity. I understand the difficulties of building the Sceneform libraries and managing them, but the sudden "deprecation" of this project is a problem to people who wish to do native programming for AR. 

I find that it was also a disappointment that the 'newest' sample codes from 3 months ago (est. June 2020) were still using the old support libs when the some of the more fast-paced Google teams are already building on top androidx capabilities. (Sorry to fredsa, tpsiaki who has been so hard at work trying to help update the library from Filament engine 1.7.0, but I would like to see some codes written in androidx for reference).

Go 1.16 is out and I want to use the new embed features. I can get it to work if everything is in the main package. But it's not clear how to handle accessing resources from subfolders/packages. Trying to do it with embed.FS support.

As of Monday morning, registered Democrats had cast 491,708 ballots, while registered Republicans had cast 444,954. Unaffiliated voters had cast 211,301 ballots, while third-party voters had cast 16,790.

A lawyer may perform various functions. As advisor, a lawyer provides aclient with an informed understanding of the client's legal rights andobligations and explains their practical implications. As advocate, alawyer zealously asserts the client's position under the rules of theadversary system. As negotiator, a lawyer seeks a result advantageous tothe client but consistent with requirements of honest dealing withothers. As intermediary between clients, a lawyer seeks to reconciletheir divergent interests as an advisor and, to a limited extent, as aspokesperson for each client. As third party neutral, a lawyerrepresents neither party, but helps the parties arrive at their ownsolution. As evaluator, a lawyer examines a client's legal affairs andreports about them to the client or to others.

A lawyer's responsibilities as a representative of clients, an officerof the legal system and a public citizen are usually harmonious. Thus,when an opposing party is well represented, a lawyer can be a zealousadvocate on behalf of a client and at the same time assume that justiceis being done. So also, a lawyer can be sure that preserving clientconfidences ordinarily serves the public interest because people aremore likely to seek legal advice, and thereby heed their legalobligations, when they know their communications will be private.

[9] A lawyer is required to give an honest opinion about theactual consequences that appear likely to result from a client'sconduct. The fact that a client uses advice in a course ofaction that is criminal or fraudulent does not, of itself, makea lawyer a party to the course of action. However, a lawyer maynot knowingly assist a client in criminal or fraudulent conduct.There is a critical distinction between presenting an analysisof legal aspects of questionable conduct and recommending themeans by which a crime or fraud might be committed withimpunity.

[10] When the client's course of action has already begun and iscontinuing, the lawyer's responsibility is especially delicate.The lawyer is not permitted to reveal the client's wrongdoing,except where permitted or required by Rule 1.6. However, thelawyer is required to avoid furthering the purpose, for example,by suggesting how it might be concealed. A lawyer shall notcontinue assisting a client in conduct that the lawyeroriginally supposes is legally proper but then discovers iscriminal or fraudulent. See Rule 1.16.

[12] Paragraph (c) applies whether or not the defrauded party isa party to the transaction. Hence, a lawyer should notparticipate in a sham transaction; for example, a transaction toeffectuate criminal or fraudulent escape of tax liability.Paragraph (c) does not preclude undertaking a criminal defenseincident to a general retainer for legal services to a lawfulenterprise. The last clause of paragraph (c) recognizes thatdetermining the validity or interpretation of a statute orregulation may require a course of action involving disobedienceof the statute or regulation or of the interpretation placedupon it by governmental authorities. See also Rule 3.4(d). 2351a5e196

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