Visual Studio 2019: The last supported version for the Visual Studio 2019 platform is v0.3.0. You can manually install the vsix file found on the release. For the best experince, please consider upgrading to Visual Studio 2022 and using the latest version.

Important: An internet connection is required for assets to appear when setting a theme. Assets (sticker & wallpaper) are not bundled with the extension. When a theme is applied, assets are downloaded from a CDN. You only need an internet connection the first time setting a theme. After that, the asset will be available offline. However, custom assets can be installed without an internet connection.

Oki Doki

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CustomStickerImageAbsolutePath: You've got your own tastes, that's fine I get that, but you're wrong and I hate you.That's why I've allowed you to set your own custom sticker to be used for all doki themes.The value provided must be an absolute path to the local file on your machine to be used. Feel free to use the ... to pick a file.

StickerRelativeSize Value Range: [-1.0, 1] (eg: 0.5 for half size of viewport) because I do not know the Visual Studio SDK very well, this is my solution to fixing issues with zoom scrolling. When the viewport size changes, the sticker would either grow or shrink relative to the viewport. This is the relative size the sticker should be relative to the current view port. 1 being the same size as the viewport and 0.01 being 1 percent the size of the current viewport.Set to -1 to allow the sticker to scale with the view port zoom size.

Important! This plugin and ClaudiaIDE do the same thing for installing wallpapers.You'll want to either turn off the wallpaper for this plugin or ClaudiaIDE, to avoid unexpected behaviour.

CustomWallpaperImageAbsolutePath: My taste in wallpapers isn't good enough for you?Fine be that way, I've allowed you to set your own custom wallpaper to be used for all Doki themes.The value provided must be an absolute path to the local file on your machine to be used. Feel free to use the ... to pick a file.

WallpaperAnchor: controls where the wallpaper is initially positioned relative to the editor background.Default will use the theme defined anchoring. Note: All default wallpapers have 16:9 aspect ratio, so this may not have much of an effect for default wallpapers.

WallpaperOffsetX allows you to move the wallpaper to the left or right in the viewport. Supply a double value in the range of [-1.0,1] to move the wallpaper right (eg: -0.25) or left (0.25)

WallpaperOpacity Value Range: [-1.0, 1] (eg: 0.5 for half opacity) It looks good on my machine!I've carefully picked the various opacity levels for the default wallpapers to look good on my monitors.However, that might not be the case for yours.So you might need to customize the brightness to your liking.

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