379B - Fliphunts

Flipping Out for Fliphunts

Session Description: Have we got a powerful, engaging, video discussion-based instructional strategy for you! Take free discussion-based edtech tool Flipgrid, add a well-crafted lesson and a dash of any content area at any grade level, and then stir in a heaping serving of critical thinking, creativity, and student voice. Voila, you have a fun formative assessment to inform your instruction. Fliphunts are video-based scavenger hunts organized within Flipgrid -- get kids active in kinesthetic learning while immersing them in content. Challenge your students to show-what-they-know with a Fliphunt. Make room in your lesson plans for Fliphunts.

This session is for teachers at ALL technology comfort levels.

As a result of this session teachers will:

      1. Learn the basic use of Flipgrid to record responses and set up a grid;

      2. Understand ways to use Fliphunts as formative assessment; and

      3. Learn how Fliphunts are created.

Applicable ISTE Standards for Educators (2017)*: 1A; 1B; 5B

* The text of these standards is copyrighted. Please read the full text at the ISTE Standards page.
