Filling Your Oil Filter Before Installing it is a Bad Idea! Here’s Why…

Many car owners have been told that it’s a good idea to fill their oil filter with oil before installing it. After all, this will help ensure that the filter is filled with oil from the start, and that the engine will have an adequate oil supply during start-up. However, this is actually bad advice! Here’s why you should never fill your oil filter with oil before installing it.

1) The Pre-Filled Filter May Not Fit Properly:

If you fill your oil filter with oil before installing it, there’s a good chance that it won’t fit properly. This is because the pre-filled filter will be larger than an empty filter, and may not seat correctly on the housing. This could cause an oil leak, and could also result in poor engine performance.

2) The Oil May Drain Out During Installation:

Even if you do manage to get the pre-filled filter to fit properly, there’s a good chance that much of the oil will drain out during installation. This is because the act of installing the filter will cause the oil to slosh around inside, and some of it is bound to escape through the seal. As a result, you may not end up with as much oil in the filter as you intended.

3) It’s Just Not Necessary:

Finally, it’s important to point out that filling your filter with oil before installation simply isn’t necessary. The vast majority of filters come partially filled with oil from the factory, so there’s no need to add more. In fact, adding too much oil can actually be detrimental, as it can cause foaming and aeration problems. Just let the filter do its job, and don’t try to “help” by adding extra oil!

As you can see, there are several good reasons why filling your oil filter with oil before installation is a bad idea. So next time you go to change your own oil, make sure you follow the proper procedure and don’t make this common mistake!

Read more: Why Is My Oil Filter Leaking?

How to Change Oil Filter Without Draining Oil

Changing your oil filter is an important part of any car's regular maintenance schedule. However, if you don't do it correctly, you run the risk of damaging your engine. To avoid any potential problems, it's important to know how to change your oil filter without draining your oil. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do just that.

What you'll need:

  • A new oil filter

  • A drain pan

  • An oil catch can (optional)

  • A ratchet and socket set

  • A pair of pliers

  • A funnel (optional)


Step 1: Locate the oil filter. It's usually located on the side of the engine block, near the oil pan. In some cases, it may be located underneath the car. If you're not sure where it is, consult your car's owner's manual.

Step 2: Place the drain pan beneath the oil filter. This will catch any oil that drips out when you remove the old filter.

Step 3: If you have an oil catch can, place it under the drain pan to catch any oil that drips out. This will make cleanup easier.

Step 4: Use the ratchet and socket set to loosen the oil filter. Be careful not to over-tighten the filter, as this can damage the engine.

Step 5: Remove the old filter and dispose of it properly.

Step 6: Clean the area around the oil filter mount. This will help ensure a tight seal when you install the new filter.

Step 7: Inspect the O-ring on the new filter. If it's damaged, replace it with a new one.

Step 8: Coat the O-ring with fresh oil. This will help create a tight seal when you install the new filter.

Changing your car's oil filter without draining the oil can be a messy job, but it's definitely doable if you're in a pinch. Just be sure to have a pan handy to catch any drips, and be careful not to over-tighten the new filter. With these tips in mind, you should be able to change your car's oil filter without any problems!

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