The PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) is a global forum that brings together payments industry stakeholders to develop and drive adoption of data security standards and resources for safe payments worldwide.

The PCI SSC mobile app allows for more direct engagement with payment industry stakeholders, including instant notification of Council news and announcements, and easier access to important resources.

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Yarilet Perez is an experienced multimedia journalist and fact-checker with a Master of Science in Journalism. She has worked in multiple cities covering breaking news, politics, education, and more. Her expertise is in personal finance and investing, and real estate.

Stocks of companies operating within the same industry tend to have similar stock price movements. This is because companies within a given industry face the same headwinds, challenges, and broad triumphs.

The NAICS is reviewed and revised every five years, and the latest edition was released in 2022. This latest edition of industry codes best reflects company classifications, especially in industries that have undergone large changes since 2017.

An industry is a broad classification that encompasses multiple businesses. A single business can operate in any industry. When a collection of individual businesses operate in a similar manner and produce similar output, they may be grouped together and classified within the same industry.

Different classification systems will group and report industries differently. The NAICS has historically grouped companies into roughly 20 sectors, 100 subsectors, and over 1,000 six-digit NAICS industry codes.

The industry economic accounts, presented both in an input-output framework and as annual output by each industry, provide a detailed view of the interrelationships between U.S. producers and users and the contribution to production across industries. These accounts are used extensively by policymakers and businesses to understand industry interactions, productivity trends, and the changing structure of the U.S. economy.

Looking for a career opportunity in the security industry? Want to promote your firm's job openings? Take advantage of the Foundation for Advancing Security Talent jobs board. Job postings are free for SIA members.

PLASTICS is the voice of the plastics industry, bringing together the full supply chain to build consensus, advocate thoughtful perspectives and solutions, and provide valuable information to help our members succeed in the marketplace.

Industry is an important part of the European economy, providing vital goods for modern life and jobs. At the same time, it is a source of great pressure on nature and on human health. Even though releases of pollutants by European industry have generally decreased over the last decade, the impacts and costs of pollution from industry remain high.

People living in large industrial cities or regions typically experience more air pollution. For other pollutants, such as heavy metals, the pathway is more complex. It can be through inhalation, but also through the consumption of contaminated food and drink.

In addition to harming human health, industrial pollutant emissions also harm plants, animals and their habitats, altering breeding cycles and biodiversity. Pollutants can also deposit on buildings and monuments and corrode vital infrastructure, requiring costly repairs.

The EU is a party to international agreements aimed at reducing pollution, including the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP Convention), a pan-European framework for reducing air pollution including heavy metals (under the Aarhus Protocol). Releases of mercury are also controlled by the United Nations Environment Programme Minamata Convention.

The European Union has strict regulations on industrial pollution. Check out the European Industrial Emissions Portal for detailed information on the largest industrial complexes in Europe, releases and transfers of regulated pollutants to air, water and soil, as well as waste transfers and much more.

Existing industry partners in good standing that have an active or extended MOU, listed on the DOD SkillBridge Authorized Organizations page with a MOU expiration are automatically extended through 30 Sept 2024.

Prospective SkillBridge organizations are highly encouraged to attend a bi-weekly DOD SkillBridge New Partner Application Process Information Sessions. Interested, prospective partner organizations can also review the "Get Started" information on the Industry Partner/Employers page to review information regarding the application requirements. You may also view a previous information session at the following link: View. If you have questions or need assistance with the DOD SkillBridge program, please contact us.

Each year approximately 200,000 members of the U.S. Armed Forces, stationed in over 140 military installations in the U.S. and overseas, will leave active duty and re-enter the civilian work force or pursue higher education.

Through the SkillBridge program industry partners benefit from gaining early access to the extensive experience, skills, and unmatched work ethos Service members bring to the workforce. Employers craft SkillBridge programs to meet their specific workforce needs, matching those needs to the skills and abilities of highly motivated Service members, all at no cost.

The U.S. Department of Defense continues to pay the service member's salary and benefits while they participate in SkillBridge. This opportunity may last up to the final 180 days of service. Military installation Commanders can make on-base facilities available to industry partners for use in their SkillBridge programs, or members may be authorized to train at the industry partner's location off installation at minimal to no cost.

Don't let location limit your access to this talented, skilled, and dedicated workforce. With SkillBridge, your organization can support service members on active duty while avoiding some of the logistics of on-site support. SkillBridge partners across the nation may take advantage of virtual, online, or distance learning and training options.

It may seem too good to be true, but there is no catch except the opportunity to catch the best talent entering the civilian labor force each year. This unique opportunity is provided to service members by the Department of Defense (DOD). The DOD benefits when service members return to civilian life with meaningful and gainful employment. The DOD wants the best possible outcomes for our members--not just short-term jobs, but careers with good pay and opportunities for advancement just as they had during their military service.

Note: As published in the joint ethics regulations of the DOD, and as outlined in the U.S. Department of Labor guidance, service members participating in a SkillBridge program are participating in a Capstone training experience at the end of their military career. The Department of Defense will continue to cover the salaries and benefits of the participating members, thus they are NOT eligible for wages or other benefits from industry partners.

Learn more about how many service members are expected to separate from the military. This map shows military installations across the country and the numbers of military personnel that separated from each installation in 2018. You can use this information to gauge how many potential participants your program might be able to draw from.

To get started, please complete the Inquiry Form for interested Industry Partners on the Contact Us page, and check the "I want to apply for the SkillBridge Program now" checkbox if you are ready to begin the application process.

NOTE: Under no circumstances should any SkillBridge industry partner or prospective employer enter into any agreement with a service member under the auspices of the SkillBridge/Career Skills Program (CSP) without first receiving a SkillBridge Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by a representative of the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Education and Training and then receiving express written approval and consent from the service member's commanding officer.

Welcome to your Maryland Division of Labor and Industry (DLI) website. Our mission is to enforce and promote workplace rights, health and safety standards in the workplace and for the protection of the public, and to adopt statewide building codes to provide Marylanders with safely-built homes. We strive to make Maryland a safe and healthy place to live and work. Through its various units, DLI touches almost everyone in Maryland, from boiler and elevator safety, to workplace safety and health, to protecting employee wages and rights. We hope that you find the resources that you need on our website. In addition to labor rules and regulations, DLI offers a variety of free training resources on safety and health. We also administer the state's work permit for minors program. Take a few minutes to see if some of our services might benefit you. You can also e-mail us at Thanks again for visiting Maryland's Division of Labor and Industry.

Bienvenido a su pgina de Internet de la Divisin de Trabajo e Industria de Maryland (DLI). Nos esforzamos para hacer que Maryland sea un lugar seguro y saludable para vivir y trabajar. Por medio de sus mltiples unidades, la DLI tiene algo que ver, de una forma u otra, con casi todos en Maryland, desde la seguridad de la caldera hasta la del elevador, la seguridad del lugar de trabajo y de salud, hasta la proteccin de los salarios y derechos de los empleados. Esperamos que encuentre en nuestra pgina de Internet los recursos que necesita. Adems de las reglas y regulaciones laborales, DLI ofrece una variedad de recursos de entrenamiento gratuito en seguridad y salud. Tambin administramos el programa estatal de permiso de trabajo para menores. Tome unos minutos para ver si puede beneficiarse de alguno de nuestros servicios. Tambin puede enviarnos un correo electrnico a De nuevo gracias por visitar la Divisin de Trabajo e Industria de Maryland. 152ee80cbc

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