Oieswarya Bhowmik

Welcome to the personal website of Oieswarya Bhowmik.

Hello, my name is Oieswarya Bhowmik.

I am a Graduate Research Fellow at the Washington State University since August 2019. 

Before this I was working as a Research Assistant at the Bioinformatics Department of National Taiwan University.

I am interested in some collaborative work or any internships in the domain of Bioinformatics. 

I have completed master's studies from SRM University, India in June 2017. I have also a  year of experience in research and working as a teaching assistant (TA) in the department of Computer Science and Engineering in SRM University, India. While working I developed a predilection to pursue a career in research and development, my major area of interest is Bioinformatics followed by Artificial Intelligence, Human Computer Interaction, Networking. 

My ultimate goal is to serve as a research scientist in the industry to cater the needs of the healthcare industry, and work with the distinguished scientists in the industry.