Ohio Weapon Performance these tests were done by me using a full health player standing still. your mileage in combat may vary. This test is assuming you fire as fast as possible and hit all headshots without them regenerating.

 Shots to kill is laid out in this fashion: Shots without armor-Light-Medium-Heavy-Mil vest. Ex: 1-1-1-1-1 Light armor: 25-30% hp Medium armor: 50% hp Heavy vest: 100% hp Mil spec gear: 150% hp Handguns Damage is in 1-1-1-1-1 format from naked to mil armor. 

Ammo is the rounds you get on purchase. m1911: 8-10-13-16-20 headshot kill. 

Ammo: 7/28 Price: $250 Glock: 100 headshot kill. 

Ammo: 13/52 Price: $400 USP: 5-7-8-10-13 headshot kill. 

Ammo: 8/16 Price: $600 Python: 3-3-4-5-7 headshot kill. around 45dmg per bullet

 Ammo: 6/24 Price: $1000 Deagle: 2-3-4-4-6 headshot kill.

 Ammo: 7/14 Price: $2000 Gold deag: 1-2-2-2-2 headshot kill.

 Ammo: 7/128 Priceless Shotguns For these i will be listing the damage given all pellets hitting the target as shotguns vary heavily in performance. Stagecoach: Around 45 body. Around 95 Head. 

Tight Spread Ammo: 2/4 Price: $800 Sawed Off: Abt 70 Body. Abt 90 head.Very High spread Ammo: 2/12 Price: $700 DB: Abt 90 Body. Abt 130 Head. Enough to oneshot a light armored player.

 Medium Spread Ammo: 2/12 Price: $1100 Mossberg: Abt 40 body. Abt 75 Head. Medium Spread Ammo: 6/18 Price: $1500 Saiga 12: Abt 40 body. Abt 80 Head. Very high spread.

 Ammo: 8/16 Price: $2500 SMGs These follow the same format as the handguns.

 Uzi: 10-13-16-20-25 headshot kill. Ammo: 30/90

 Price: $900 Glock 18: 8-10-13-16-20 headshot kill.

 Ammo: 33/132 Price: $1600 Mp7: 8-10-13-16-20 headshot kill.

 Ammo: 30/120 Price: $3000 Tommy: 8-10-13-16-20 headshot kill.

 Ammo: 50/100 Price: $3500 Assault Rifles/LMGs Same format Ar-15: 5-7-8-10-13 headshot kill.

 Ammo: 20/80 Price: $3000 Ak47: 8-10-13-16-20 headshot kill.

 Ammo: 30/90 Price: $3500 M4A1: 5-7-8-10-13 headshot kill.

 Ammo: 30/120 Price: $3500 AUG: 4-5-7-8-10 headshot kill.

 Ammo: 30/120 Price: $4500 RPK: 5-7-8-10-13 headshot kill.

 Ammo: 70/140 Price: $8000 M249: 6-8-10-12-15 headshot kill.

 Ammo: 100/200 Price: $10000 AS-VAL: 3-4-5-6-8 headshot kill.

 Ammo: 30/60 Price: $20000 Sniper Rifles/RPG Im adding bodyshots for these.

 Dragunov: Head: 2-3-4-4-5 Body: 6-8-10-12-15 Ammo: 10/20 Price: $4000 

Barret M107: Head: 1-2-2-2-2 Body: 2-3-4-4-5 Ammo: 10/20 Price: $15000

 RPG 50 damage/Half Health. Ammo: 1/2 Price: $10000 

We are aware of this being outdated, were working on it