Information will continue to be updated as we finalize details with the Oasis. We have been working closely with the Oasis and our event will follow all state and county orders. Information is always subject to change based on new developments, government guidelines, etc. We appreciate the cooperation of all in attendance and look forward to hosting a SAFE Feis for all!

Facial Coverings

  • Face masks in public areas are mandated in Ohio. While inside the Oasis all attendees are required to wear a face mask that covers both their mouth & nose at all times unless competing

  • Dancers are not required to wear a face mask while competing but can wear one without penalty if they choose

  • Dancers will need to bring a small gift bag that will store their face mask while dancing. Dancers will bring this bag with them on stage, remove their mask & place in the bag before dancing. When finished dancers will retrieve their mask and put it on before exiting the stage.

  • Dancers will be required to wear their face masks while warming up, practicing, stretching, getting dressed, etc. Dancers will also be required to wear their face mask for all awards ceremonies & awards pick-up.

  • If someone has a medical condition that prevents them from wearing a face mask we ask that you do not attend the Ohio Spring Feis this year. There will be zero exceptions/exemptions.


  • Each dancer is allowed only ONE spectator with them. The Oasis has limitations on the number of people allowed in the building and we thank you in advance for adhering to this policy. Failure to adhere will result in jeopardizing the safety of our event and admission into the Oasis will be closely monitored and controlled.

  • For families with more than two dancers there is a max of TWO spectators per family. When possible please try to limit to one spectator per family.

  • Admission times into the Oasis will be based on competition start times.

Social/Physical Distancing

  • There will be NO camping or congregating. Chairs will be set up in banks of 2 and cannot be moved. Dancers are welcome to use the space around their chairs to warm-up, practice & stretch (in a face mask). Please be mindful of those around you at all times.

  • As details are finalized surrounding number pick-up and awards more information will be shared in response to social and physical distancing. Those who attended the Cincinnati Feis in November 2020 can expect similar policies & format.

  • Dancers will compete 1 at a time. Stages will be split in half with 1 dancer competing on each side.