Political Action Committee

The Ogden/Weber Education Associations Political Action Committee (OEA/WEA-PAC) is the political arm of the Ogden and Weber Education Associations. Since absolutely NO MEMBER DUES are used for political parties or candidates, OEA/WEA-PAC allows educators to have a voice in political issues affecting children and public education. OEA/WEA-PAC is directed and run by classroom teacher members from across the two districts and both major parties.

OEA/WEA-PAC provides education and information to OEA/WEA members about political matters, works to identify candidates with favorable positions on the UEA legislative priorities, recommends financial and other assistance to political candidates for local legislative offices and school boards, participates with the two major parties.

The OEA-WEA PAC meets every third Tuesday of the month. You must be a PAC donor to participate. Please contact your UniServ Director or Wendy Van Dyke for more information.

How Can I Become Involved?

Making a financial contribution to OEA/WEA-PAC is your chance to join a select group of educators and supporters of public education who have recognized the importance of being actively involved politically and financially. OEA/WEA-PAC members understand that voting is not enough to elect officials who truly “measure up” for children and public education, but that it also takes both time and money. There are numerous options for making a financial contribution to OEA/WEA-PAC and, whether you contribute $10 or $500, each contribution helps to ensure a strong collective voice for public education.

There are four easy ways to contribute: cash, check, PayPal, or EZ-Pay PAC (monthly electronic funds transfer from your checking account). Click the "Donate" link for Paypal or download a political action contribution form (PDF) now and mail to UEA Political Action Committee, 875 E. Pontiac Drive, Murray, Utah 84107. For more information, check out the PAC page on the UEA website.

Make an investment in your career, in public education, and in the lives of Utah students. Join OEA/WEA-PAC today.


The Utah Education Association Political Action Committee (UEA-PAC) is holding a fundraiser. The UEA-PAC does not receive money from member dues and relies instead on donations. Their annual fundraiser is a fun way for you to be able to contribute. This year, they are selling PAC swag on Teespring. To browse the collection and buy your items visit here! Remember, your contribution helps the UEA-PAC to identify and promote education friendly policy makers.