Terms Of Service

This is the terms of services related to the project, please read this if you are plannign in doing content or posting about Multiverse Crisis

Can I draw fanart?

Of course! Everyone in the team (specially Heartly) loves fan-art related to this project and we would try our best to share it around and feature them in the website

Can I make videos of this project?

Of course, as long as you give the respectfull credit and link the website, from there on we would love to see what you guys make

Can I make NSFW content

Talking as the main creator here, it really depends
  • Sexual Content: Preferably to not make this or keep them to yourself, as the creator i feel uncomfortable seeing my characters being used in sexual situations, I dont mind stupid jokes here and there but a whole scenario like explicit sexual scenarios are not welcomed
  • Gore: I dont mind as much gore as long as it isnt offensive or extremly heavy (in real life situations, super gore-ish scenarios or attacks to other people)

Can I make kinsonas/characters base in the project?

Of course! We would love to see your interpretations and ways to draw/design the characters, just give the respectfull credit

Still have questions? Feel free to contact Heartly!