I agree with having the option for an offline mode. Currently difficult to play whilst at the airport as the internet connection and mobile data is more limited (at least at Gatwick where I work) due to sheer number of people using data at the same time in the same area.

When I accessed the World Imagery (for Export) on the menu of ESRI tiled basemaps, and selected "Open for ArcGIS Desktop" from the Open pulldown menu, I was prompted to save as an ArcGIS Portal Item (.pitem), which I did. When I then double-clicked on the file to open it in Desktop, I got a spinning wheel cursor for a few seconds, and then... nothing. Nothing appeared in the map, nothing happened. The .pitem file (a format which I am not familiar with, pardon me) is not visible in the ArcMap Catalog.

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If anyone could help me in the objective of creating and accessing an imagery file to be used offline as a basemap, I would really appreciate the help. It is the first step in carrying out my work, and I hope there is a solution!

All layers in the Runtime content will be projected into the spatial reference of the map document's data frame. If a basemap layer is included, the layers will be projected to the spatial reference of the basemap layer's tiling scheme.

The problem I am running into with creating runtime content is that the spatial reference for the World Imagery basemap seems to be throwing a wrench in things. I get errors of "layer has unknown spatial reference," "layer's spatial reference differs from runtime content's target spatial reference," and "the data frame's spatial reference is not the same as the Basemap layer's tiling scheme." I'm not sure how to address this. Information in the Basemap properties is fairly limited, and includes no information on spatial reference.

Unfortunately, when I run it, it starts to create tiles for the basemap, working for some time through 19 tiles, and then at the very end (after the 19th), I get a message that tells me, "An unexpected error has occurred when creating the package. Check your settings and try again." Hmph. The problem-solving search continues...

i saw that there's now unlimited save slots for dst! this is an epic achievement really glad it was added! now if only we can switch between offline and online server modes then people can play on their online worlds while offline and play with their friends on their offline worlds by making them online that would be super great too!

Depending on where you live in the world it is impossible to maintain a constant internet connection without interferences every now and then- Case in point: Not too long ago a storm hit down here and it killed the power and internet in my area.. because I live super close to a hospital they had power back up and running in no time, But the internet- that was down for a whole 6 hours or more.

For me offline worlds actually are less laggy than online worlds and I'm not always playing with friends so being able to play in an offline world and then switch when I can play with friends is preferable with me also it usually takes 20-30 seconds for DST to login to online so I skip it to save time.

I don't always have an online connection so not being able to play on my world because there's no internet is saddening... Almost every single game allows you to play regardless if you're connected to the internet so it would be great if DST was up to date like almost every other game with one of the most basic QoL feature of being able to play in your world with no hassle lol.

I personally don't care if you can't use skins and DLC characters (which is still kinda dumb since you can use DLC in DS without internet connection) in an offline world, I just want to be able to play in my world with no hassle and annoyance.

yeah, but still that's missing out on an entire world and 50-30% of game's content which sucks... I have faith now that there are unlimited save slots which was a big QoL addition that we will get stuff like this too hopefully soon until then it's laggy worlds then I can have the option to play with friends and I can't play in the world when no internet OR not laggy world but the whole "together" part of the game is gone for the world's entire lifespan

The players who've paid for Wortox, Wormwood and Wurt still cannot play in offline worlds. I can understand why being able to use skins in an offline world is problematic, but not being able to play as dlc characters which we bought is annoying. I know that it has been asked in this forum before, but I feel like we should at least have a clear answer, if it will be available in the future or the developers does not care at all. I demand an answer from developers if possible.. Even if the answer is no, I want to know why it cannot happen.

LAN servers does not help with connection/lag issues at all, all it does is only letting people from your local area to play. I simply want to play as dlc characters in offline worlds solo, (and use skins if only possible) without experiencing lag/ping.

I think DLC characters definitely need to be playable while offline for skins it's understandable, but characters are not just skins for aesthetic design they have whole gameplay mechanics and stuff it's horrible to not allow to play them on offline mode when you got them. It's why I still haven't bought any of the characters yet even though I would like too because if I can't use them whenever then it's not worth it.

Offline DST really needs some love then our offline worlds can be switch back and forth between online and offline server modes then when we play in an offline world we can go online when we want to play with friends instead of being doomed to be forever alone...

Well, I guess I get it now. Since the number of players who choose to create offline worlds are so low that almost nobody cares about it, the sad part is that "nobody" includes the developers as well. I think it is better to not hope for a fix , as it looks like it won't be a thing [I mean, we are talking about the same company who left Dont Starve (the solo one) as a bug/glitch heaven.] And here, I cannot play DST (which has more content, charactar refreshes, new DLC characters) solo offline worlds without problems.

can i be honest, i dont understand why "being able to use skins in an offline world is problematic"

this is an honest question, not being mean. why? i hate that when i use an offline world for less lag, i can't have pretty things or skins with the characters i main that i prefer more than the default. why not just make it so we cant get drops?

is it an actual programming reason, because otherwise i really cant see justification

most videogames with a cosmetic update model rely on a "item server" that establishes a link to your game to load the properties of said items. Playing offline severs this link, which means anything that was built around spools will be cut off. Apparently.

Is it possible to have a very basic, low poly, world map when zooming out, instead of the "Loading..." tiles? I understand that topo maps can only be zoomed out 'that' much because of complexity. However, I am switching between countries or even continents quite frequently when planning, and it's very difficult to quickly re-centre the map on to a different part of the world. Thank you very much.

In "Einstellungen --> Karten --> Offline Karten" ("Settings --> Maps --> Offline maps" I guess in englisch) I have set "Karte automatisch laden" and "Lade Standardkarte" where I define my world map which automatically appears when I zoom out my vector maps. ("Automatic map loading" and "Pre-load global map" in english I guess)

I thought that there might be an "easy" way to implement a basic world map (just country outlines would be enough) that automatically appears when the zoom level exceeds the proper map's resolution. Just so I don't have to guess wildly where I need to pan to compare an Australian route with an American, or European, or whatever.

There is also available simple world vector map for all vector maps. You can download it from Menu > Store > search for "World base map" and download it. Locus automatically select this map if you use another vector maps (LoMap) and you zoom-out to the country zoom level (zoom-level < 10) 152ee80cbc

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