This group is for use with ArcGIS Field Maps in which members need to edit the feature layers. We also need the ability to manage offline map areas. I am able to do this in other established groups with folks editing data and web maps shared to the group where I manage offline map areas.

How can I have a web map shared to a group where group members can update the items in the group and I can also manage the offline map areas for use in Field Maps? I have been doing this for other groups over the last year without this 'Shared Updates' label and offline map areas? Today is the first time I've received this new 'Feature disabled' notice. So I'm supposed to unshare and reshare each time I want to create a new offline map? What is going on?

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I think my situation is a bit more complicated as I don't own the map and I am only able to edit the map because of the shared update group. And I wanted to create a new offline area because the existing offline area failed to download on devices (which seemed like another weird situation that many had...). Wonder if anyone knows how to solve the situation?

I've just come across this too. I was trying to enable colleagues to update webmaps I'd created by sharing them with a shared update group but then I lost the ability to manage the offline areas myself, even though I am the webmap owner. Did anyone find a fix for this, or is the only way to manage offline areas to log in as the map owner? This seems like a strange limitation.

No I'm afraid not. Wiping the group and making a new one with the 'All group members can contribute' option left everyone, including me, unable to create offline areas. The only solution we've found for other team members to create offline areas is to log in as the map owner which involves sharing passwords so not really a solution.

Hi - yes there are check marks for all the layers. Maybe this helps: I just edited my post to add that when I create the offline area through the app, I am able to edit. But I'd rather create it in Field Maps Designer.

I am having the same troubles on my Field Map that I created for wetland delineation. Allow editing and Sync is on for all layers. The online version of the webmap works just fine, but the offline map area version doesn't allow editing. If I create Offline Areas in my iPhone, those are editable. Cannot seem to make it work with the Designer App.

I am having the same troubles on my FieldMap that I created for a project. I've Allowed editing and sync is enabled is on for all layers. The online version of the webmap works just fine (in FM), but the offline map area (that I created in AGO) version doesn't allow editing.

It seems to be some sort of bug as I am able to get it to work if I create the offline area within the mobile field maps app. I got around the issue in the Field Maps Designer on my laptop by playing with the extent of the offline area (e.g., going in smaller and only covering the points of interest not the entire mountain region). It may be the fact that I played around with the "Level of detail" slider too.

Having the exact same issue here. I believe I have all the sharing/editing permissions set up correctly for the map and features. In Field Maps, I'm able to edit features with the online map, but not with the offline map area that I made with Field Maps Designer. When I create an offline area within Field Maps on the device itself, the editing feature works just fine.

I have gone into the projects that I have completed and deselected the toggle switch for offline maps but this appears to have no effect and when I look to add another offline project my total is still as it was.

Hi Murray,

Yes, that is the way DD told me to remove the offline maps. Make sure you turn off Available off line option, then delete app and reinstall. I have a lot of offline maps cached and I need to delete them as I go along. Flight plans and data are not effected as its held on the DD server. Offline option is in your IOS device. Give your ios device time to sync before re installing. Hope this helps.

Sorry to hear about your maps not un-syncing from the offline status. Some devices have a hard time un-caching flight plans than other.@Kapchaking is correct, you will want to uninstall the app but make sure to allow enough tie for the flight plans to sync. I hope you find that helpful~

Honestly, this seemingly late "bringing to the forefront" (I guess you'd call it) of the whole "Online Only" vs. "Make Available Offline" thing has been more of a headache than a help, if I may offer my opinion.

I purchased a new ultra-portable Windows computer which has a 256GB SSD on board, but I plan on using my Dropbox files with it, and I have well over 256GB worth of stuff in my Dropbox.

The thing is that I'm often in situations in which I need offline access to my files.

So I purchased a 1 TB microSD card, which will never leave its slot in this machine. Heck, I can't even retrieve it, it seems.

I mounted it so that it isn't considered "Removable Media" by the computer, and then I proceeded to install Dropbox on the computer, with the intent of using the 1 TB card exclusively for Dropbox content...offline.

I left my machine to sync overnight, and what do you know? Everything has a stupid cloud next to it.

I have no option to "Make Available Offline," either in the file/folder context menu or in the Dropbox application > Preferences > Sync menu.

If this is by design, it's a pitifully stupid design.

I'm going to whatever lengths I can to make this work the way I envision, but I'm going to be awfully disappointed if Dropbox doesn't respect use cases that might not necessarily conform to a narrow definition.

If it's an issue with a recent update to the application, then please bug the developers posthaste.

I have a colleague that used the offline form function in the App as directed, captured a lot of data in 7 forms offline, but the data then sat on their phone and never uploaded itself despite them re-establishing a wifi connection. We have successfully used this function elsewhere so not sure what happened in this instance. Has this happened to anyone else and what are the things to avoid? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance

" May I kindly ask for you to create a duplicate copy of the affected form and try to reproduce the issue on the copy of the form. You can duplicate a form by navigating in to Manage Form > Select the three dots to the right > Select "Duplicate" (This will create a copy of your form on the same sheet, but with a new URL) > Using the newly created duplicate, please try submitting form entries offline, then then re-establishing a connection to check if the problem still exists.

If your users are fully connected to the internet or if they have a strong mobile signal but the queued offline forms are staying in the "Offline" queue, then please do continue to follow-up with Support providing them with the troubleshooting tests they ask for.

The first thing is to make Coda work in offline mode, which helps people who are far from communication networks and the Internet to add some things, and after connecting to the Internet, they are added automatically and here makes Coda a portable program and easy to use.

1- Yes, in fact, it works normally, but some problems occur, but when syncing in offline mode, you can add it at any time without worrying about whether the browser or its shortcut is running or not, if you are using a CODA for personal use, then you do not need to sync with me The latest version, you only need yourself, meaning you only need to add it in offline mode, and after connecting to the Internet, the added document will be added and the table or thing that you added will be updated.

I guess, but it is just a guess, that it is pretty hard to predict which document(s) to keep in your phones memory or cache. Let alone keep a recent version ready to use, because the program cannot predict when you go offline. When you are working online on a doc and go offline, you have the latest version.

I am a fairly light Evernote user on the most basic account (free verson). I wrote two notes while offline and Evernote said that they will be synced when I have internet access again. However, when I connected to Wi-Fi, the notes never synced and have disappeared. Is there anyway I can get these notes back? I understand that, with a free account, I can't save notes for offline access but I thought that I could at least *write* notes offline and not have them disappear. Thanks in advance for your help.

My experience is that working offline is fine, and that it will sync back once a network connection is established. It may be important to make sure this connection is sound and stable before the sync starts.

Since I sometimes work several hours offline while on a train trip, it is good to remember the syncing of a large number of edited notes may take longer than one might expect. So better to sync when in the hotel, at work or home than during a 3min stop at a station with WiFi.

I also wrote some notes offline. I was offline because I did not want any distraction when I was on a lecture. When I went online Evernote deleted my note. I did not know about a change on I cannot do it or is it just for premium users. I wrote notes to remember, not to delete them.

I tested this in real time ie: went on my iphone and put it in airplane mode. Made some changes to various notes while offline. Then went off airplane mode and did an EN sync. I then checked to see if those changes appeared on my desktop windows EN and they were there within a minute. Actually I've used this feature many times when flying ie: I will take notes, scan documents into EN etc and I have always seen them appear properly when I go online again. e24fc04721

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