The word r may also be used as an adjective in Sanskrit, which is the origin of the modern use of shri as a title. From the noun, is derived the Sanskrit adjective "rmat" (rimn in the masculine nominative singular, rmat in the feminine), by adding the suffix indicating possession, literally "radiance-having" (person, god, etc.). This is used in modern vernacular as form of address Shrimati (abbreviated Smt) for married women, while Sushri, (with "su", "good", added to the beginning), can be used for women in general (regardless of marital status).

Another usage is as an emphatic compound (which can be used several times: shri shri, or shri shri shri, etc.) in princely styles, notably in Darbar Shri, Desai Shri, and Thakur Shri or Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, the founder of the social and spiritual movement Ananda Marga (the Path of Bliss).

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XAyurShri WebpostIn this pandemic covid-19 environment many attempts are being made to prevent one from being affected from this virus and preventing its spread. Today over 3 million have been tested positive worldwide and over 210,000 deaths. In America, about 1,000,000 have been tested positive and more than 55,000 deaths have been reported. Imagine, in a population of 330 million of the world's 8 billion, we now have one third of those who have tested globally and a little more than a quarter of the world's deaths. Most of the scientists and politicians are looking for solutions outside of the body, such as testing, social distancing, face masks, isolation and other methods of control, most of which are good and effective but, no one is looking at the inside of the body where the virus is raging havoc. This shows that as a nation our immune system is grossly compromised. Thus, we should be looking at ways in which to improve our immunity.

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The holy shrine called Samadhi was built at place where the master's last rites were performed. Shri Brahmanand, one of the dearest disciples of Shri Maharaj, was appointed as one of the Trustees by the master himself in his will. Under his able guidance the solid foundation of this institution which is today known as Chaitanyaopasana, Shri Gondavalekar Maharaj Trust, was laid. Even today all activities and rituals are in line with principles and guidelines set by Shri Brahmanand. e24fc04721

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