Offikrieg, what is it ?

Offikrieg is a mod dedicated to the Blitzkrieg game from Nival Interactive. The project is inspired by the excellent "Mission Kursk" addon produced by Active Gaming, from which it incorporates certain "mechanics" with, in particular, the range fire of units which is increased compared to the original game.

Offikrieg adds hundreds of additional units and sets made by modders in the community and adapted to the characteristics of the mod.

Offikrieg's beginning !

Offikrieg began its development with a view to multiplayer games like the many maps available. However, the project later aimed to create at least one solo campaign. This never worked out and that's why you'll not find at the moment, any scenario*, chapter or campaign on this mod.

scenario *: A single solo mission exists. It is Dniepr.

It should also be noted that the mod wasn't available to everyone at the start. Indeed, still in development and therefore constantly evolving, there were no practical reasons to distribute it to the greatest number. Our wish was to achieve a playable, balanced and more stable version than the one we had then. Several players may have blamed us for this at the time, but there was no desire to restrict access. Besides, our philosophy is really turned the opposite of this idea. We appreciate and encourage sharing between creators and players in the community. The development of the mod has could be done with the many sharing, exchanges and other encouragements from contributors such as Major Pain or Von Osten to name a few. Besides, we would like to thank all those who have at one time or another help the development of the mod.

How to install Offikrieg ?


The installation executable defines a default path which must be modified according to its own tree structure.

Here is what you want to have when launching the exe:

E:\Program Files (x86)\Nival Interactive\Blitzkrieg_mod\Run\Mods\Offikrieg 1.5 beta

What is highlighted in gray should be modified depending on your installation. What is bold should be kept as well. Note that in the event of an error, the tree structure can be modified manually by having / renaming / moving the folders.


For an installation of the Offikrieg mod or any others mod (except Exception [for example, the GZM Mod]) on a non-Steam version of Blitzkrieg, the tree structure should therefore be as follows:

YourPC\DiskName (C :)\Nival Interactive\Blitzkrieg\Run\Mods\Offikrieg 1.5Beta\data\AllFiles.pak

If you already have "Run" and "Mods" folders, then the "Offikrieg 1.5Beta" contents will go directly to the mods folder. In the Offikrieg 1.5Beta folder, you will then find the "data" folder, which itself contains compressed .pak files.

Once this is done, you should be able to launch the mod without problems via the in-game interface.


If you are using the Steam version of Blitzkrieg, the installation path will still be different. The folder named Run does not seem to exist and it is then necessary to place the Mods folder directly instead of the Run folder.

Your installation path will then be:

Steam\SteamApps\common\Blitzkrieg Anthology\Blitzkrieg\data\Mods\Offikrieg 1.5Beta\data\AllFiles.pak

Note that the Run folder has disappeared !! Refer to this topic for more information.

Good game everyone,