What’s the difference between a Christian and a Catholic….and can a Catholic be saved?


This is what we DO NOT find in the Holy Bible:

Pray the rosary to Mary

That wafer is the actual body of Christ 

Obeying the 7 sacraments 

Baptize infants 

Canonization of dead saints

Holy water 


Calling a man ‘Holy Father’

Mary is the co-redeemer 

Man made traditions

Abstaining from meats and marriage

Kissing the popes ring/feet

Praying to dead saints

Wear scapulars 


Addressing men as ‘Father’

Hope in Purgatory 

Confession to a priest on Saturday

The worship of graven images 

Ashes on the forehead


Peter was the first pope

Popes infallibility

Papal tiara

Last Rites

6 deadly sins are not in the Bible

Mary remained a virgin and did not have other children


Repeating the same prayer over and over in vain

Having titles such as; Pope, nun, Cardinal, arch bishop

The pope now says ‘there is no hell’

Killing for Jesus, with the Inquisition this religion has killed more people than Islam

Allowing homosexual priests to molest children and having the church move and hide priests that were found to be guilty

….and you really need more?

I have known a few Catholics who DO NOT support the Church, DO NOT pray to Mary, who DO NOT go to mass nor do they keep the traditions….but still call themselves a Catholic.  They are Catholic by name only, much like a person can call themselves a ‘Baptist’ or ‘Pentecostal’ because they grew up in that faith.    


The Catholics DID NOT give us the Bible

The Catholics was NOT the first Church

The Catholics are NOT the only way to heaven  


Wish to see what the Bible says about religion….see Jeremiah 23 and Matthew 23


I have been known that when I preach against the cult in Rome, I have a statue of Mary in one hand and a hammer in the other hand. And as I preach against idolatry I bust the figurine of Mary.  Many Catholics find that offensive and pray to Mary for my soul. 

I will stand with a Catholic at an abortion clinic for women murdering their babies….HOWEVER, if the rosary beads come out and the prayers to Mary start, I TURN ON THEM.


According to the 10 Commandments they are much more evil than abortion.  The first 2 of the Ten Commandments are NO OTHERS gods and do NOT worship other gods (1-2) and ‘murder’ is Commandment number six (6).  So IF pecking order means anything to God, he hates other gods and idols before murder.


Once when the pope came to the US we followed him and preached to the three cities he spoke at. In New York his pope mobile shut off right in front of a street preacher with a megaphone 


He heard a very salty message against tradition and praying to the dead. His cart was down for about 3 minutes but I’m sure it seemed like an hour to him.  The pope mobile was surrounded by his secret service until it started and moved on.  WHAT TIMING!!!


The Catholic Church breaks the first and second Commandments “You shall have no other God's before me” and “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images”


A graven image is an idol man made and the cult in Rome say they do not worship Mary.  This is idolatry 101, as this is idolatry in both the letter and spirit of that law.

You do know the Catholic Church has removed Commandment number 2 from their 10 Commandments and cut Commandment 10 in half to get that 10th Commandment. 

When I preach against the Catholic Church I have a Mary idol in one hand and a hammer in the other hand…..I guess you will know what happens next?

God HATES idols.