Call for Papers

Ann. dccxciii. Her wæron reðe forebecna cumene ofer Norðhymbra land, þæt folc earmlic bregdon, þæt wæron ormete þodenas ligrescas, fyrenne dracan wæron gesewene on þam lifte fleogende.

Year 793. Here were dreadful forewarnings come over the land of Northumbria, and woefully terrified the people: these were amazing sheets of lightning and whirlwinds, and fiery dragons were seen flying in the sky. (The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle)

We extend a warm invitation into the realm of Anglo-Saxon imagination, whether it be historical, literary or linguistic, to all scholars and students (BA, MA, PhD) interested in the study of the Anglo-Saxon period and Anglo-Saxon related themes across centuries. This year the conference encourages the participants to plunge into the realm of the supernatural, the unknown, the other, the monstrous. The discussion of such themes can assume different forms and will, hopefully, allow for a wide range of interpretations.

Hoping for an interdisciplinary discussion, we invite papers from various fields of interest: literature, linguistics, paleography, history, archaeology, art, religion etc.

Papers may address but are not limited to the following:

    • the supernatural / monstrosity
    • historical linguistics / language change
    • the other / social inclusion or exclusion
    • sociolinguistics / language contact
    • historical writing / historical imagination
    • religion / beliefs (Pagan and Christian)
    • charms / magic

Submission deadline: 30 December 2018

Conference language: English

Paper Proposals:

We invite students and scholars from various academic fields to submit their proposals (c.a. 250 words) for twenty-minute papers.

Please fill in the registration form here.

Conference fee: There is no conference fee and all the conference materials will be free of charge.

Organised by:

Old English Student Society KNA UJ (Institute of English Studies, Jagiellonian University)

Organising committee:

Anna Klimek

mgr Jagoda Nosal

mgr Krystyna Strzebońska-Cichorz

Conference supervisor:

dr hab. Władysław Witalisz