

9:30-10:15     開会・レセプション

10:15-11:30     五十川大也 (大阪公立大学)                                

 "Role of Advance Notice on High-priced Hours: Critical Peak Pricing on Industrial Demand"

13:00-14:15     大西宏一郎 (早稲田大学)     

"Information Advantage or Bias Related to Social Ties: Evidence from a Peer Review System for National Research Grants"  

14:20-15:35     哥丸連太朗 (東京大学) 

"Civic Culture"

15:40-16:55     小林流基 (慶應義塾大学)

"Identifying Post-Merger Price Change with Multiple Mergers -A Case Study of the Japanese Gas Station Industry-"

17:00-18:15     深澤武志 (東京大学) 

"The biases in applying static demand models under dynamic demand"

18:30-19:45     ラウンドテーブル