
Selected publications

The conditional contribution mechanism for repeated public goods - The general case“ Journal of Economic Theory (2022) (with Andreas Reischmann and Andis Sofianos).

 "Copy Trading", Management Science (2020) (with Jose Apesteguia and Simon Weidenholzer). 

"Measuring Skill and Chance in Games", European Economic Review (2020) (with Peter Duersch and Marco Lambrecht).  

"The Binary Conditional Contribution Mechanism for Public Good Provision in Dynamic Settings - Theory and Experimental Evidence", Journal of Public Economics (2018) (with Andreas Reischmann).

"Unbeatable Imitation", Games and Economic Behavior (2012) (with Peter Duersch and Burkhard Schipper).

"Imitation and the Evolution of Walrasian Behavior: Theoretically Fragile but Behaviorally Robust", Journal of Economic Theory (2010) (with Jose Apesteguia, Steffen Huck, and Simon Weidenholzer).

"Cognitive Abilities and Behavioral Biases", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, (2009) (with Andreas Roider and Patrick W. Schmitz).

"Imitation - Theory and Experimental Evidence", Journal of Economic Theory (2007)  (with Jose Apesteguia and Steffen Huck).  

"Herding and Contrarian Behavior in Financial Markets - An Internet Experiment", American  Economic Review (2005) (with Mathias Drehmann and Andreas Roider).

"Learning to Like What You Have - Explaining the Endowment Effect", Economic Journal (2005) (with Steffen Huck and Georg Kirchsteiger). Press reports (Times, SZ, RNZ).

"Through Trial & Error to Collusion", International Economic Review (2004) (with Steffen Huck and Hans-Theo Normann).

"On the Dynamic Foundation of Evolutionary Stability in Continuous Models", Journal of Economic Theory (2002) (with Frank Riedel).  

"The Indirect Evolutionary Approach to Explaining Fair Allocations", Games and Economic Behavior (1999) (with Steffen Huck).

"Learning in Cournot Oligopoly - An Experiment", Economic Journal, (1999) (with Steffen Huck and Hans-Theo Normann).

All publications: here.