OEA Bargaining Updates


Tentative Agreement Reached on 2024-25 Reopener 

OUSD and OEA have reached a tentative agreement on improvements to the final year of our 2022-25 contract. We've created a document showing exactly how the current contract language would be improved thanks to our reopeners. A summary is below. Membership voting on the TA will end on June 6th at 4:30 pm.


Early Childhood Education


Early Childhood Special Education


Early Elementary, Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten


Special Education Workload Pilot


Newcomer Supports



Updated 8/24/2023
We are still working with OUSD to finalize salary schedules and other formatting details of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). Below are  links to a draft version of the CBA and salary schedules. We will update this site when final versions are available. 

Tentative Agreement

On May 15, 2023 at 2:24 AM the OEA Big Bargaining Team reached a Tentative Agreement as well as agreements on the following Common Good topics. The TA and Agreements will be voted on by the full membership before ratification. Date TBA for general membership meeting and voting instructions. We will also be putting out a comprehensive summary and FAQ. Check back soon for those!