
Hello! This is The Odyssey: Bonus Tales Twine Introduction. To get to the Storybook stories, simply follow the character choices labeled (storybook).

Before you start your journey, understand that you are a wandering fourth-century Greek who travels far and wide for entertainment. While on the road, you hear that there are quite a few shows in Athens tonight, so you divert course towards the metropolis. The orange sky is fading dark as you approach the torch-lit city...

Some background information:

Hemeroscopium, for the ancient Greeks, is the place to the West where the sun sets. It is believed that during the Greek Golden Age the colony of HÄ“meroskopeion was established in present-day Spain.

Syracuse is a city on the island of Sicily, an island fought over by the Greeks for centuries. I wanted one of the bards to be from Sicily, as the cave of the Cyclops is rumored to be on the southern coast of the island.

image: Ulysses and the sirens. source