Conventional protocols for proteomics analysis usually start by extracting or solubilizing the proteins from their substrates. This step can be challenging for archaeological proteins, when they are heavily contaminated or decayed. The remains of animal fur/leather objects from an early medieval burial in Trossingen (580 CE) from Southwest Germany were submitted to proteomics analysis for species identification. One leather sample (TS3) yielded enough proteins to be identified as cow using a urea-based extraction (method "U"), confirming the microscopic identification. But two other samples (TS1 and TS2), compacted in a greyish brittle matrix with embedded hair visible only under microscope, could not be characterized with that method. A series of tests was performed using reduction/alkylation with tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine/chloroacetamide at 95 C directly on the matrix (method "95C"), with or without the use of paramagnetic beads as cleaning procedure (from the single-pot solid-phase-enhanced sample preparation or SP3). Hair keratins were best recovered in the fur samples when digestion was performed directly on the insoluble fraction after reduction/alkylation. For both samples TS1 and TS2, an ovicaprine species was identified, with TS1 firmly identified as sheep due to the exceptional preservation of keratins and keratin-associated proteins. The simplified protocol also showed improvements on the identification of collagen in the leather sample TS3. SIGNIFICANCE: North European burials had a strong tradition of bodies wrapped or covered in animal skins; textiles, furs, items of leather and other organic materials were essential parts of grave furnishings (as part of the deceased's clothing as well as grave goods) but are mostly only preserved as residues, uncharacterized layers or stains. Even well preserved finds like the waterlogged organic remains from Trossingen show strong limitations for visual identification. Because the traditional protocol was unable to extract proteins efficiently from the soil matrix in which the samples were embedded, a new method was devised that enabled the determination of the sampled fur remains as sheep and the leather fragments as cow leather. Analyses showed that the key step for accessing the proteins in the soiled archaeological samples was heating for 10 min at 95 C with a solution of tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine/chloroacetamide (TCEP/CAA). The protocol proposed in this study offers to work on minute samples (1 mg of sample or less) and overcame the challenge of separating the proteins from their archaeological matrix. It offers interesting perspectives for archaeological sites or objects where clothing are suspected but hardly detectable, such as burial sites.

The most common way of navigating around Windows with NVDA is to simply move the system focus using standard Windows keyboard commands, such as pressing tab and shift+tab to move forward and back between controls, pressing alt to get to the menu bar and then using the arrows to navigate menus, and using alt+tab to move between running applications.As you do this, NVDA will report information about the object with focus, such as its name, type, value, state, description, keyboard shortcut and positional information.When Visual Highlight is enabled, the location of the current system focus is also exposed visually.

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Most of the time, you will work with applications using commands which move the focus and the caret.However, sometimes, you may wish to explore the current application or the Operating System without moving the focus or caret.You may also wish to work with objects that cannot be accessed normally using the keyboard.In these cases, you can use object navigation.

Object navigation allows you to move between and obtain information about individual objects.When you move to an object, NVDA will report it similarly to the way it reports the system focus.For a way to review all text as it appears on the screen, you can instead use screen review.

Rather than having to move back and forth between every single object on the system, the objects are organized hierarchically.This means that some objects contain other objects and you must move inside them to access the objects they contain.For example, a list contains list items, so you must move inside the list in order to access its items.If you have moved to a list item, moving next and previous will take you to other list items in the same list.Moving to a list item's containing object will take you back to the list.You can then move past the list if you wish to access other objects.Similarly, a toolbar contains controls, so you must move inside the toolbar to access the controls in the toolbar.

If you yet prefer to move back and forth between every single object on the system, you can use commands to move to the previous/next object in a flattened view.For example, if you move to the next object in this flattened view and the current object contains other objects, NVDA will automatically move to the first object that it contains.Alternatively, if the current object doesn't contain any objects, NVDA will move to the next object at the current level of the hierarchy.If there is no such next object, NVDA will try to find the next object in the hierarchy based on containing objects until there are no more objects to move to.The same rules apply to moving backwards in the hierarchy.

The object currently being reviewed is called the navigator object.Once you navigate to an object, you can review its content using the text review commands while in Object review mode.When Visual Highlight is enabled, the location of the current navigator object is also exposed visually.By default, the navigator object moves along with the System focus, though this behaviour can be toggled on and off.

While in object review mode, you are able to only review the content of the current navigator object.For objects such as editable text fields or other basic text controls, this will generally be the text content.For other objects, this may be the name and/or value.

The screen review mode allows you to review the text of the screen as it appears visually within the current application.This is similar to the screen review or mouse cursor functionality in many other Windows screen readers.

In browse mode, the content of the document is made available in a flat representation that can be navigated with the cursor keys as if it were a normal text document.All of NVDA's system caret key commands will work in this mode; e.g. say all, report formatting, table navigation commands, etc.When Visual Highlight is enabled, the location of the virtual browse mode caret is also exposed visually.Information such as whether text is a link, heading, etc. is reported along with the text as you move.

Pages can include rich content using technologies such as Oracle Java and HTML5, as well as applications and dialogs.Where these are encountered in browse mode, NVDA will report "embedded object", "application" or "dialog", respectively.You can quickly move to them using the o and shift+o embedded object single letter navigation keys.To interact with these objects, you can press enter on them.If it is accessible, you can then tab around it and interact with it like any other application.A key command is provided to return to the original page containing the embedded object:

While NVDA is primarily aimed at blind or vision impaired people who primarily use speech and/or braille to operate a computer, it also provides built-in facilities to change the contents of the screen.Within NVDA, such a visual aid is called a vision enhancement provider.

Due to a change in the Windows Magnification API, Screen Curtain had to be updated to support the newest versions of Windows.Use NVDA 2021.2 to activate Screen Curtain with Windows 10 21H2 (10.0.19044) or later.For security purposes, when using a new version of Windows, get visual confirmation that the Screen Curtain makes the screen entirely black.

This option allows you to choose what context information NVDA will show on the braille display when an object gets focus.Context information refers to the hierarchy of objects containing the focus.For example, when you focus a list item, this list item is part of a list.This list might be contained by a dialog, etc.Please consult the section about object navigation for more information about the hierarchy that applies to objects in NVDA.

This option allows you to specify whether browse mode should place clickable content (links, buttons and fields) on its own line, or if it should keep it in the flow of text as it is visually shown.Note that this option doesn't apply to Microsoft Office apps such as Outlook and Word, which always use screen layout.When screen layout is enabled, page elements will stay as they are visually shown.For example, a visual line of multiple links will be presented in speech and braille as multiple links on the same line.If it is disabled, then page elements will be placed on their own lines.This may be easier to understand during line by line page navigation and make items easier to interact with for some users.

This option enables reporting when colors are transparent, useful for addon/appModule developers gathering information to improve user experience with a 3rd party application.Some GDI applications will highlight text with a background color, NVDA (via display model) attempts to report this color.In some situations, the text background may be entirely transparent, with the text layered on some other GUI element.With several historically popular GUI APIs, the text may be rendered with a transparent background, but visually the background color is accurate.

Built on the .NET framework, PowerShell works with objects, whereas most command-line shells are based on text. PowerShell is a mature and well-proven automation tool for system administrators employed in both IT departments and external entities, such as managed service providers, because of its scripting capabilities. be457b7860

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