
Open Door Baptist Church -- Chinese First Language Outreach Ministry


Welcome to Open Door Baptist Church Chinese Ministry!


We have some friends from the church who have families that only speak Chinese. Because we’d love for them to be part of the church family and hear the Gospel message in Chinese, we decided to start a Chinese language service. Our hope is that our friends and other Chinese language speakers may find a place and grow in their spiritual life or come learn about Lord Jesus and what the Bible teaches. Everyone is welcome here no matter what your faith background is.


教会地址是 300 Pleasant Street, Belmont, MA 02478 (点击此处查看地图。)

We currently meet at 2PM on the first Sunday of each month.  The next one is on Sunday Oct 6th, 2024. The church address is: 300 Pleasant Street, Belmont, MA 02478. (Click here for the map and direction.)


Click here for information about the Open Door Baptist Church.


For questions or suggestions, please email odbc.cn@gmail.com.

讲员: 秦弟兄 (Louie). 敞门浸信教会弟兄。祖籍安徽,五岁随父母来美居于波士顿。哈佛大学地球与空间科学本科毕业。大学时决志信主,毕业后先后在哈佛大学和东北大学从事学生事工。现在修读神学院课程。与妻子、女儿住在贝尔蒙特镇边的水城。

Louie is a member of the Open Door Baptist Church. He was born in Anhui, China. He moved with parents to Boston. He obtained his B.A. in Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard. He became a Christian as a college student, and worked in Christian student ministry at Harvard and Northeastern University after his graduation. He is currently taking seminary classes. He lives with his wife and daughter in Watertown, a neighboring city of Belmont.


Link to the Chinese Bible.



Messages and handouts from past services.


The handout PDF has 2-3 pages, and you can click on the icon on the upper right corner to enlarge the file, or you can scroll down when your mouse is on the PDF to view the second and third page.

圣经简介系列 Series on Bible Introduction

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第一次中文主日聚会 First Chinese Service

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约翰福音系列 Series on the Gospel of John

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