Oda  Sund           


I am a postdoctoral researcher at CREED at the University of Amsterdam. Previously a PhD Candidate at FAIR, Department of Economics at the Norwegian School of Economics

My main research field is behavioral economics. Combining theoretical insights with empirical methods, my research focuses on social preferences, and fairness preferences in particular. I am especially interested in understanding the relationship between beliefs, preferences, and behavior in situations characterized by a tradeoff between social and competing considerations.

I use experiments (both in the lab and in the field),  register and survey data in my projects, and I am always curious about new methods to collect and analyze data. 

You can download my CV here

Contact information: 

Email: o.k.s.sund@uva.nl

Academic references: 

 Professor Bertil Tungodden: 


Professor Joël van der Weele
