Learning Resources
B. Tech Programme in Electronics & Communication Engineering
Online Class through Edmodo/ WhatsApp groups
[Live_class@Every working days 6:00PM to 8:00PM]
Microcontrollers (Theory & Lab)
*L-2-1: drive.google.com/open?id=1usQJvBpHr2LNBeHeLO7Aeta5sLkaJKGD
@LAB: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZFAZx9ucihM7rJOoTJV5AGG8zmWF88cO
Embedded System Lab
@LAB: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZFAZx9ucihM7rJOoTJV5AGG8zmWF88cO
G. R. Michael
e-mail: roberteld008@gmail.com
Online Class through Google Classroom, NPTEL, Youtube, slides
1.Internet of Things (8th Sem) https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/NjY3ODI0MTI0OTVa/m/NjY5OTQ4MDc1NDNa/details
Haraprasad Mondal
e-mail: mandal.haraprasad@gmail.com
Online Class through Google Classroom, WhatsApp Group, Project supervise through AnyDesk.
Computer organization and architecture: 6th sem
N. K. Kaphungkui
Online Class through Google Classroom, Skype, whatsapp, E-mail
Analog Circuit (4th Sem)
Instrumentation (6th Sem)
classroom.google.com/c/NTcwMzM3NDA4NzRa (6th semester)
classroom.google.com/c/MTE1NzM2MzAzOTZa (4th semester)
Dr. Bhargabjyoti Saikia
e-mail:bhargab.2008@gmail.com; bhargab@dibru.ac.in; Phone:9613825606
Online Class through Google Classroom
Satellite Communication (6th Sem; Current: Jan to March 2020): Google Classroom
Satellite Communication (8th Sem; Current: Jan to March 2020):Google Classroom
Final year projects through Whatsapp group.
Online Class through Cisco Webex, Edmodo, Coursera vidoes, NPTEL vidoes, daily assignments, Mini projects.
Speech and Audio Processing (6th Sem, Current: Jan to June 2020): Edmodo
Pattern Recognition (8th Sem, Current: Jan to June 2020): Edmodo
Final year projects through Anydesk, Whatsapp group and mails.
Nidish Antony
e-mail: nidhishantonypala@gmail.com
Online Class through Google classroom, Whatsapp, email
Embedded Systems (6th Sem)
Digital System Design (8th Sem)
Ashim Kumar
e-mail: ashim9788@gmail.com
Online Class through Edmodo, WhatsApp group
Adv. Communication System. (8th sem)
Analog and Digital Communication (4th sem)
Jagannath Patra
e-mail: jagannath.iitdhanbad@gmail.com, Ph:7991109652
Online Class through Google Classroom, Whatsapp, Email, Phone call
Control Systems (EC-308), 6th Semester, ECE
Power Electronics and Instrumentation (EC-305), 6th Semester, ECE
Power Electronics and Instrumentation Laboratory (EC-315), 6th Semester, ECE
8th Semester Project supervise .
Control Systems (EC-310), 6th Semester, ME