These packages are maintained by a community of Octave Forge and Octave developers in a spirit of collaboration. The main repository for development is located at SourceForge. Community packages are coordinated between each other and with Octave regarding compatibility, naming of functions, and location of individual functions or groups of functions.

Decisions on the content of external packages are solely in the authority of the respective package maintainer. For bug reports, please refer to the package's homepage. Although, development of these packages may happen mainly at a different place, all packages fullfill the same requirements for hosting at Octave Forge, e. g., are free software.

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The Octave Forge project is a location to develop multiple packages for GNU Octave. With time, some packages become unmaintained, usually because the original author no longer requires it and no one steps up to take its position. Without a maintainer or active user base, and as Octave evolves, we do not know how usable they are, so we can no longer honestly recommend their use.

They are still stored and release tarballs can be downloaded from our File Release System (same for the very old monolithic releases). However, many of them have accumulated bug fixes and new features in the mercurial or SVN repositories, it simply happens that no maintainer has prepared a release. Because of this, we encourage users to check the development sources, not the released tarballs. Furthermore, bug reports for those packages continue to be welcome, and anyone wishing to take up the position of maintainer, please contact us through the maintainers mailing list.

If the package is installed successfully nothing will be printed onthe prompt, but if an error occurred during installation it will bereported. It is possible to install several packages at once bywriting several package files after the pkg install command.If a different version of the package is already installed it willbe removed prior to installing the new package. This makes it easy toupgrade and downgrade the version of a package, but makes itimpossible to have several versions of the same package installed atonce.

If the package is removed successfully nothing will be printed in theprompt, but if an error occurred it will be reported. It should benoted that the package file used for installation is not needed forremoval, and that only the package name as reported by pkg listshould be used when removing a package. It is possible to removeseveral packages at once by writing several package names after thepkg uninstall command.

To minimize the amount of code duplication between packages it ispossible that one package depends on another one. If a packagedepends on another, it will check if that package is installedduring installation. If it is not, an error will be reported andthe package will not be installed. This behavior can be disabledby passing the -nodeps flag to the pkg installcommand

No support: the GNU Octave community is not responsible forpackages installed from foreign sites. For support or forreporting bugs you need to contact the maintainers of the installedpackage directly (see the DESCRIPTION file of the package)

The package manager will disable dependency checking. With this option itis possible to install a package even when it depends on another packagewhich is not installed on the system. Use this option with care.

Security risk: no verification of the package is performedbefore the installation. There are no signature for packages, orchecksums to confirm the correct file was downloaded. It has thesame security issues as manually downloading the package from theOctave Forge repository and installing it.

where builddir is the name of a directory where the temporaryinstallation will be produced and the binary packages will be found.The options -verbose and -nodeps are respected, whileall other options are ignored.

If the package is installed successfully nothing will be printed onthe prompt, but if a warning or error occurred during installation itwill be reported. It is possible to install several packages at onceby writing several package file names after the pkg installcommand. If a different version of the package is already installed itwill be removed prior to installing the new package. This makes iteasy to upgrade and downgrade the version of a package, but makes itimpossible to have several versions of the same package installed atonce.

If the package is removed successfully nothing will be printed in theprompt, but if a warning or error occurred it will be reported. Itshould be noted that the package file used for installation is notneeded for removal, and that only the package name as reported bypkg list should be used when removing a package. It is possibleto remove several packages at once by writing several package namesafter the pkg uninstall command.

To minimize the amount of code duplication between packages, it ispossible that one package depends on another one. If a packagedepends on another, it will check if that package is installedduring installation. If it is not, an error will be reported andthe package will not be installed. This behavior can be disabledby passing the -nodeps flag to the pkg installcommand

Global packages are installed by default in a system-wide location. This isusually a subdirectory of the folder where Octave itself is installed.Therefore, Octave needs write access to this folder to install globalpackages, which is usually only available when Octave is run withadministrative privileges, such as when run as root (or superuser) onUnix-like systems, or run with elevated privileges ("Run as administrator")on Windows.

When Octave is running with administrative privileges, pkg willinstall packages to the global package location by default. Otherwise,packages will be installed to the local location by default. The user canoverride this default installation location with optional arguments(-local or -global) as described below. The currentlyused default package installation location can be queried withpkg prefix.

The package manager will disable dependency checking. With this option itis possible to install a package even when it depends on another packagewhich is not installed on the system. Use this option with care.

Security risk: no verification of the package is performedbefore the installation. There are no signatures for packages, orchecksums to confirm the correct file was downloaded. It has thesame security issues as manually downloading the package from theOctave Forge repository and installing it.

Check installed Octave Forge packages against repository and update anyoutdated items. Updated packages are installed either globally or locallydepending on whether Octave is running with elevated privileges. Thisrequires an internet connection and the cURL library.

Options for the install command and the names of individual packages to bechecked for updates may be specified as a list following the updatecommand. If the -local or -global option is specified,pkg update limits the update check to the local or global installedpackages, and installs updates in that same context. For example,

Updates for multiple packages are sorted alphabetically and not checkedfor dependencies affected by installation order. If dependency orderrelated pkg update failure occurs, use pkg update -nodeps toignore dependencies, or pkg install -forge to updateindividual packages manually.

adds the signal package and also tries to load its dependency: thecontrol package. Be aware that the functionality of package(s)loaded will probably be impacted by use of the -nodeps flag. Evenif necessary dependencies are loaded later, the functionality of top-levelpackages can still be affected because the optimal loading order may nothave been followed.

Remove named packages from the path. After unloading a package it isno longer possible to use the functions provided by the package. Tryingto unload a package that other loaded packages still depend on will resultin an error; no packages will be unloaded in this case. A package canbe forcibly removed with the -nodeps flag, but be aware that thefunctionality of dependent packages will likely be affected. As whenloading packages, reloading dependencies after having unloaded them with the-nodeps flag may not restore all functionality of the dependentpackages as the required loading order may be incorrect.

However I would also like to use Octave packages, first I tried the usual way to install packages on Octave by typing pkg install -forge package_name (image, in my case) in the Jupyter Notebook code cell and I got the following error message:

Then I tried to install the package with apt-get (Octave for Debian systems - Octave) by adding the octave-image to apt.txt. The when I tried loading the package in the Jupyter Notebook by writing pkg load image, I got the following error message:

This is an example of a Jupyter Notebook in Octave to perfom basic Image Processing operations. - GitHub - CosmoStat/octave_image_processing_example: This is an example of a Jupyter Notebook in Oct...

I am trying to use symbolic package in Octave (4.2.2). When I try to load the package, I receive the following error:"Symbolic pkg v2.8.0: error: SymPy version 1.1.1 found but is too old (1.2 required)"But when I checked, I understand that somehow newer sympy (version 1.3) is yes installed:"(base) shlomo@shlomo-MS:~$ pip show sympyName: sympyVersion: 1.3Summary: Computer algebra system (CAS) in PythonHome-page: : SymPy development teamAuthor-email: [email protected]License: BSD"How to force Octave to recognize (newer) SymPy that is installed? e24fc04721

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