I'm apt kind of guy and very new to snap so I don't know if I'm looking into right direction. The which inside octave does not have any luck with compiler related tools, but the base installation has gcc, g++, make etc...

If the package is installed successfully nothing will be printed onthe prompt, but if an error occurred during installation it will bereported. It is possible to install several packages at once bywriting several package files after the pkg install command.If a different version of the package is already installed it willbe removed prior to installing the new package. This makes it easy toupgrade and downgrade the version of a package, but makes itimpossible to have several versions of the same package installed atonce.

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If the package is removed successfully nothing will be printed in theprompt, but if an error occurred it will be reported. It should benoted that the package file used for installation is not needed forremoval, and that only the package name as reported by pkg listshould be used when removing a package. It is possible to removeseveral packages at once by writing several package names after thepkg uninstall command.

To minimize the amount of code duplication between packages it ispossible that one package depends on another one. If a packagedepends on another, it will check if that package is installedduring installation. If it is not, an error will be reported andthe package will not be installed. This behavior can be disabledby passing the -nodeps flag to the pkg installcommand

The package manager will disable dependency checking. With this option itis possible to install a package even when it depends on another packagewhich is not installed on the system. Use this option with care.

will describe all installed packages and the functions they provide.If one output is requested a cell of structure containing thedescription and list of functions of each package is returned asoutput rather than printed on screen:

where builddir is the name of a directory where the temporaryinstallation will be produced and the binary packages will be found.The options -verbose and -nodeps are respected, whileall other options are ignored.

Rebuild the package database from the installed directories. This canbe used in cases where the package database has been corrupted.It can also take the -auto and -noauto options to allow theautoloading state of a package to be changed. For example,

For example Homebrew installs Octave to /usr/local/bin/octave (or /opt/homebrew/bin/octave on Apple Silicon) by default. From the Terminal application you can enter the command which octave to find out the exact location.

Please refer to Octave contributor ngam's response to issue #102 at conda-forge/octave-feedstock. This note is put here to prevent further user frustration. The original author of this wiki page seems to be unaware of this problem and cannot be located to address this discrepant instruction.

Octave Forge is a community project for collaborative development of Octave packages. If you have a large package that you want to open up to collaborative development, or a couple of m-files that you want to contribute to an existing package, Octave Forge is the place to do it. Octave Forge may not have any guarantees regarding reliability of the software and the users are to use them at their own risk.

You can find the list of packages on the Octave Forge website. The recommended method for package installation is using your system package manager, see also the FAQ for the most common issues. The official Windows Installer bundles several packages so they don't have to be installed separately.

However I would also like to use Octave packages, first I tried the usual way to install packages on Octave by typing pkg install -forge package_name (image, in my case) in the Jupyter Notebook code cell and I got the following error message:

Then I tried to install the package with apt-get (Octave for Debian systems - Octave) by adding the octave-image to apt.txt. The when I tried loading the package in the Jupyter Notebook by writing pkg load image, I got the following error message:

This is an example of a Jupyter Notebook in Octave to perfom basic Image Processing operations. - GitHub - CosmoStat/octave_image_processing_example: This is an example of a Jupyter Notebook in Oct...

I am trying to install a package onto GNU Octave (basically free MATLAB). I thought that by installing the OctaveFull Nix package I would have all the basics that I would need, but it is still very minimalistic, and does not have necessary functions such as lsim() or ss() (I am studying control theory as part of my electronics degree). As such, I realised that I needed to install the control package. It is listed as octavePackages.control on the Nix package search site.

GNU Octave can install third-party packages in a friendly way, analogous to the Matlab App Store or how Linux repositories work.Regardless of operating system, Octave can install these extension packages from the Octave command line.Some packages require a compiler or libraries.If package install fails, read the log output to see if installing a system library is required.

Packages are installed at the Octave command prompt, and download automatically.Prereqs are not automatically installed, but messages are given telling which package needs to be installed first.signal is a perfect example of this, given below.

I have Python 3.7.4 installed along with sympy.I have added Octave to the system variable PATH.I made sure My folder path in octave is the same.I even tried manually downloading a Symbolic package tar.gz file into the folder but nothing worked.I finally even tried reinstalling Octave and rebooting my PC. Nothing worked.I couldn't find a solution anywhere else.

How I installed it:

1. Install Mercurial if you don't have it, add it to the Windows path

2. Clone the repo:hg clone octave-windows

3. Open the MSYS2 shell installed with Octave

4. Install the missing packages: pacman -Sy autoconf automake

5. cd octave-windows

6. make dist

7. On Octave, install it using the full path: pkg install c:\...\octave-windows\release\windows-1.3.1+.tar.gz

How I installed it:

1. Install Mercurial -scm.org/downloads if you

don't have it, add it to the Windows path

2. Clone the repo:hg clone 


3. Open the MSYS2 shell installed with Octave

4. Install the missing packages: pacman -Sy autoconf automake

5. cd octave-windows

6. make dist

7. On Octave, install it using the full path: pkg install


I followed your instructions.

MSYS2shell should be the same cmdshell, right?

At step 4 I am not sure anything is installed because the packages are not

available. Where are they?

By the switch -d a directory is created with these names but not anything

is inside.

At step 5, I couldn't get what cd octave-window should do. Not such a

directory is created.

Failing that, make dist also stopped working at step 6: make: *** No rule

to make target 'dist'. Stop.

The package seems installed correctly at step 7.

At step 5, I couldn't get what cd octave-window should do. Not such a

directory is created.

Failing that, make dist also stopped working at step 6: make: *** No rule to make target 'dist'. Stop.

At step 5, I couldn't get what cd octave-window should do. Not such a

directory is created.

Failing that, make dist also stopped working at step 6: make: *** No rule

to make target 'dist'. Stop.

Packages of Octave packages have their own naming scheme. They should take into account the upstream name of the package. This makes a package name format of octave-$NAME. When in doubt, use the name of the module that you type to import it in octave.

Limitations in the pkg function of octave (pkg.m) means that versioning of octave packages requires that the package version must have a MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO format. Failing to use this format results in octave not recognising binary package components in %prefix/libexec.

The --norc will prevent autoloading of packages. I don't remember all the details, but I don't think you can remove that option as the task is running as user Jobe, who for security reasons has no home directory.

The problem is, that you are trying to install the data in a directory where you do not have permission to write data. Either you log in as root or you run the program with root privileges to have access to that directory.

Starting from version 1.0.0, the queueing package(formely known as qnetworks toolbox) is included inOctave-Forge. This has many benefits for the users. Installationis much easier: you can type pkg install -forge queueingat the Octave prompt to install the package without the need todownload anything by hand. Moreover, all new development happens onthe Mercurialrepository on SourceForge, so developers can get thelatest/greatest version of the queueing package withoutwaiting for an official stable release.2020/03/21queueing-1.2.7 has been released. This is a bug fix release; see the ChangeLog for details.2018/10/06queueing-1.2.6 has been released.2016/12/14queueing-1.2.5 has been released.2016/09/01queueing-1.2.4 has been released.2014/03/12queueing-1.2.3 has been released.2013/06/29queueing-1.2.2 has been released.2013/02/05queueing-1.2.1 has been released.2012/11/05queueing-1.2.0 has been released.2012/09/08queueing-1.1.1 has been released.2012/04/06queueing-1.1.0 has been released.AboutThe queueing package is a software package forqueueing networks and Markov chains analysis written in GNU Octave. The packagecurrently includes the following algorithms: e24fc04721

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