W17: July - 17th (whole day) - Room: B6

9h30 - 13h10: Morning session

  • 9h30 - 9h55: Benedetta Franceschiello - Intro & Computational model of EEG: why we should be bothered
  • 9h55 - 10h40: Joana Cabral - Life and Health Sciences Research Institute, University of Minho, Portugal - Emergence of frequency-specific long-range coherence in the neuroanatomical Connectome

10h40 - 11h10: Coffee break

  • 11h10 - 11h55: Ashish Raj - School of Medicine, UCSF, San Francisco, US - Eigenmodes of the brain: a graph spectral theory of brain activity
  • 11h55 - 12h40: Anna Cattani - Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences "Luigi Sacco'', Milan, Italy - A modelling approach for describing stimulation and electrophysiological recording of unconscious and conscious brain states
  • 12h40 - 13h10: GENERAL DISCUSSION

13h10 - 14h50: Lunch

14h50 - 18h00: Afternoon session

  • 14h50 - 15h35: Alberto Mazzoni - BioRobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy - Thalamocortical connectivity models account for functional interplay between spectra of extracellular activity in the two areas
  • 15h35 - 16h20: Alain Destexhe - Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience, CNRS, Gif sur Yvette, France - Do local field potentials and the EEG primarily reflect inhibitory processes?

16h20 - 16h50: Coffee break

  • 16h50 - 17h35: Katharina Glomb - CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland - Whole-brain modelling for EEG source-projected data
  • 17h35 - 18h00: GENERAL DISCUSSION