No one Loves Dental Implants – But, they are Beneficial
Dental Implant, for many people, is believed to be a procedure of attaching artificial teeth in the mouth. It is, in fact, a sort of minor surgery that requires proper before and aftercare. For not being familiar with the dental related issues and treatments, it might be hard for you to understand what exactly a dental implant is. The basic objective of dental implant process is to replace the damaged or missing teeth and roots with the artificial ones.
Who needs to undergo a Dental Implant Surgery?
Today Dental implants are considered to be the best alternative to traditional denture. You will be advised to undergo the implant surgery when detected with one or more damaged or missing teeth. Moreover, you need to have really good oral hygiene, ample jaw-bone required to support implants, and good physical health to undergo the procedure. There are various points you can and should discuss with a reputable dentist to check if the implant process is a required option for you.
Implants are the replacement of your missing tooth
The most usual teeth replacement options focus on filling in the void space of missing teeth roots. Dental Implants focus on fixing the roots, i.e. the empty unseen parts of teeth. The roots are anchored to the jaw that holds your teeth in its place. When undergoing artificial dental surgery, implants are positioned in such a way that they touch the base with the bone. Further, new tissues are grown around the implants that develop a natural bone between both- the bone and the metal.
Implants look natural
When talking about appearance, implanted teeth differ from real ones only in one way i.e. they are not real. They are tailored by experts to make them look, fit, and symbolize just like the other teeth in your mouth. If treated by a specialist dentist, your implanted teeth will be perfect clone to the other teeth getting you the natural feel since it will be fused up to your bone.
Implants enable you to enjoy eating
With implanted teeth, you will be able to chew the way you did with your original teeth. No special care required when eating. Dentures are easy to slide and this makes it difficult to enjoy the chewing. Implants, on the contrary, are fixed artificial teeth that function like the natural teeth. This allows you to enjoy your favorite food with no pain or suffering.
Implants protect healthy teeth
Dental Bridge is the most accepted teeth restorative procedure. The bridge fills in the gap that is created due to the missing teeth. Some portions of the adjacent teeth are scratched out in this procedure to get the bridge a proper balance. Fortunately, not all treatments are equal. When undergoing dental implants process, a crown or a dental bridge is placed on the implant itself. No need to cut short other adjacent teeth.
Duration of the recovery process
People usually wonder how long dental implant surgery could take and also how the treatment can affect them. An experienced orthodontist can get you the best tips to aid your healing process. Moreover, there is no specific time; it rather depends on the patient’s condition. The recovery time, eventually, depends on the number of impacts you have had, and healthy bones.
After Care and Maintenance
The care and maintenance of implanted teeth are usually as easy as cleaning your natural teeth. Yes! Depending on the surgery, a few amount of additional care is a must.
Typically, you will need regular dental cleaning with regular home care. This includes brushing your teeth, flossing, and finally rinsing with a recommended mouthwash.
Your specialized orthodontist, if required, may recommend you to use some extra stuff like a specific dental floss or special brushes designed specifically to clean tight spaces.
Ok! So, if you are having a missing or damaged tooth and thinking about undergoing a dental implant process, consult with a reputable and adequately qualified dentist that will further determine whether you should do it or not. If you are fit for the treatment, plan out the process with your dentist and bring the confidence in your smile back.