Προγράμματα / Projects

The Oceanographic scientific and technical potential in the University of Athens is based on the high expertise in the main relative domains of research and technology as well as on advanced equipment facilities, providing opportunities for several research activities in different fields.

The perspective of the course includes an integrated and holistic approach of the marine environment, which has contributed to its very high reputation and the efficient handling of a large number of various types of competitive programs and projects of nearly all aspects of Oceanographic science, technology, management and education. Some recent research projects in all the oceanographic fields are presented in the following list.

More information is available in the websites of the laboratories that participate in the course:


Department of Chemistry - Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry

Department of Physics - Ocean Physics And Modelling Group

Department of Biology - Section of Zoology / Marine Biology

Department of Geology & Geoenvironment - Section of Geography / Climatology

Department of Geology & Geoenvironment - Section of Historical Geology / Palaeontology


Institute of Oceanography

Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters

Recent research projects

• MEDCIS, Support Mediterranean Member States towards coherent and Coordinated Implementation of the second phase of the MSFD, 2017-2019, funded by EU

• SUPREME, Supporting Maritime Spatial Planning in the Eastern Mediterranean, 2017-2018, funded by EU

• ACTION MED, Action Plans for Integrated Regional Monitoring Programmes, Coordinated Programmes of Measures and Addressing Data and Knowledge Gaps in Mediterranean Sea, 2015-2017, funded by EU

• IRIS-SES, Integrated Regional monitoring Implementation Strategy in the South European Seas, 2013-2015, funded by EU

· ARISTEIA I Project 640, Integrated Study of Trace metals biogeochemistry in the coastal marine environment (ISMET-COMAREN), 2012-2015

· THALIS project (DAPHNE), Investigation of the impact of climate change on river deltas: case study the Delta of Pinios River (Thessaly, Greece), 2012-2014

· "Marine renewable integrated application platform (MARINA Platform)", EU, FP7-ENERGY, 2010-2014.

· "Weather-wave-dust and ocean circulation forecasting system for Saudia Arabia, Arabian and Red Seas (WASSF)", 2010-2015.

· EMODNET, No. MARE/2012/11: Growth and innovation in ocean economy- Gaps and priorities in sea basin observation and data. LOT NO: 2 – THE MEDITERRANEAN FP7, 2013-2017.

· "MyOcean", EU, FP7-SPACE, 2009 – 2012

· Development of the Integrated Cyprus Coastal Ocean Forecasting System,IASA–EKPA(2009– 2012)

· "Tracking οil spills and coastal awareness network (TOSCA)", EU, MED, 2010-2013

· "MyOcean II-Integration of Εuropean capacity for ocean monitoring and forecasting", EU, FP7, 2012 – 2014

· "Mediterranean decision support system for marine safety", EU, MED, 2012- 2015

· "MyOcean Follow On", EU, H2020, 2014-2015

· "Stochastic coastal/regional uncertainty modelling: sensitivity, consistency and potential contribution to CMEMS ensemble data assimilation (SCRUM)",EU, Copernicus-CMEMS, 2016-2018

· "Operational system for the sea modeling (ARSOOCEANS)", Slovenia – EU Cohesion Funds, 2012 – 2014

· "Stochastic coastal/regional uncertainty modelling: sensitivity, consistency and potential contribution to CMEMS ensemble data assimilation ΙΙ (SCRUM)2", EU, Copernicus-CMEMS, 2018-2020

· By catches and discards of sharks in large pelagic fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea. Project n. 97/050 DC XIV/Cc1

· Study on eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna migrations usin ‘’Pop-off satellite tags. FAIR Project n.97/3975

· Mediterranean Targeted Project II- Mass Trnsfer and Ecosystem. Response (MTP II- MATER) Financed by EU DG XII

· Major improvements in our knowledge of Eastern Atlantic Bluefin Tuna in the Mediterranean Project n.97/Cc205 DG XIV/C1

· Mediterranean Forecasting System Pilot Project (MFSPP). Financed by EU DG XII. .

· Mediterranean model Net-working and archiving program (MEDNET). Financed by OCEANOR (Oceanographic Company of Norway)

· MEDSEA: Impact of ocean acidification in the Mediterranean in a changing climate, EU, FP7, 2011-2014

· ERANETMED_WATER-13-051: CrITERIA Cr(VI) Impacted water bodies in the Mediterranean: Transposing management options for Efficient water Resources use through an Interdisciplinary Approach, ΕΕ/ ERANETMED/ EC FP7 2016-2019

· The role of mixing processes in andesite genesis -deep sediment recycling versus shallow crustal contamination, DFG, 2017

· Autonomous exploration and characterization of biological assemblages and correlated geochemical features within hazardous marine volcanic systems, NASA 2016-2020

· Identification of hydrothermal submersion by remote sensing data COSMO-SkyMed StripMap HIMAGE, ESA 2010-2014

· Volcanic, tectonic and hydrothermal processes in an island-arc caldera environment. Development of an IODP Drilling Proposal at Santorini-Kolumbo Marine Volcanic System, Magellan Plus Workshop Series Programme, 2013-2018