Southern Ocean

The Gentoo Penguin

The first penguin that comes to mind is probably the emperor penguin, this is because they are the largest. But the penguin we are going to talk about is the third largest.

The Gentoo Penguin!

Gentoo penguin has a more orange beak and a hint of it on their wings.

Gentoo Penguins will give a female penguin a stone in order to win her favor!

They can hold their breathe for 7 minuets! That's enough to dive 655 feet under water!

Some pairs of Gentoo penguins stay together for life. When they have babies it's most likely there will be two. They're called chicks!

Southern Ocean

The Southern Ocean is the newest named ocean, it was officially named in 2000.

Its 7,499 million miles long and 10,499 feet deep.