Module guides

Adventure: North Atlantic

Healthy Habitats

How can we contribute to healthy habitats?

Join youth host, Isabelle, and Boris Worm on an expedition in the Gulf of the Saint Lawrence and Malpeque Bay. Together, they join DFO scientists, community members and Indigenous communities who are using different methods of collecting data to find out more about the relationships between marine species and their habitats.

Evolving Ecosystems

What actions can we take to protect ecosystems?

Join youth host, Anisha, and Boris Worm on an expedition in the Nova Scotia’s Bay of Fundy. Here, they’ll conduct a deep-dive exploration into the eating habits of everything from microscopic crustaceans to gigantic North American Right Whales, and use cutting-edge science to explore every oceanic link which binds them!

Protecting Populations

How sustainable is our use of our marine resources?

How can we ensure the sustainable use of our marine resources? Join youth host, Holly, and Boris Worm, alongside local fishermen and scientists from Ocean Wise, Marine Institute and DFO to examine the complexities of managing marine natural resources and the potential recovery of cod.

Adventure: Open Ocean

Marine Migration

How can we ensure the survival of migratory species?

Join youth host Sergio and lead scientist Dr. Boris Worm as they head out on our first open ocean adventure: Cocos, an island in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Scalloped hammerhead sharks have been decimated in this region. These hammerheads are easy targets for fishers because they often come together in large schools. Although the islands in the region are all protected, the waters between these islands are not. With MigraMar scientists and Conservation International, we’re investigating critical habitats and pathways to find out: How can we ensure the survival of migratory species?