Anatomy of a cod

Web app guide

Using the web app

The experimenter uses an internet browser on a computer or tablet to manipulate, dissect and record their findings for two cod caught in different reproductive phases (spawning and not-spawning). The experience is broken down into four main sections which can be completed in any order. They are:

  • Rotate the cod in 3D

  • Click & drag to measure the cod

  • Drag the cod to the scale and report its weight in your sheet

  • Explore the inside of the cod

Each section requires the student to complete a task and record the information on their Data Sheet.

Rotate the cod in 3D

Click and drag the mouse in any direction to turn the cod.

Click & drag to measure the cod

Click & drag to measure the cod

Click and drag from the cod’s snout to its caudal fin (tail) to see the length of the fish.

To change the unit of measurement from centimetres (cm) to inches (in), click “Inches (in)” in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Click the Data Sheet icon to the right of the cod to record the length measurement in the Data Sheet. The students need to type in their data.

Note: Change the units before measuring the length of the fish.

Click the Data Sheet icon to the right of the cod to record the length measurement in the Data Sheet. The students need to type in their data.

Note: Change the units before measuring the length of the fish.

Drag the cod to the scale and report its weight in your sheet

Drag the cod to the scale and report its weight in your sheet

Click and drag the cod onto the tray on the scale.

Drag the cod to the scale and report its weight in your sheet

Click and drag the cod onto the tray on the scale.

The scale will give a digital readout which the student should enter into the Data Sheet.

To change the unit of measurement from grams (g) to pounds (lb), click “Pounds (lbs)” in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Note: Change the units before weighing the fish.

Explore the inside of the cod

Click and drag the scalpel counter-clockwise on the dotted outline to reveal the inside of the cod.

The black dots are clickable hotpoints.

Click on a hotpoint to read a description of that part of the cod’s anatomy.

Data Sheet

The Data Sheet is located on the right side of the screen. The students should record their observations on this sheet.

At the top of the sheet, there are tabs for Specimen A and Specimen B.

The students must complete the form for Specimen A before they can access the tab for Specimen B.

Once they start on Specimen B, they will no longer be able to view Specimen A.

Anatomy of a cod - Lesson

For more information on how to use the app, read the Anatomy of a cod - Lesson.

Anatomy of a cod - Internal organ guide

For more information about the species, read the Anatomy of a cod - Internal organ guide