Course Details

Course Description

An introduction to the marine environment.

Methods and techniques of exploration, physics, and chemistry of the oceans; adaptations of organisms; significance of the marine environment to man.

A general survey of the major aspects of oceanography; history, topography, geography, geology, chemistry, physics, meterology, biology, and resource management.

Course Information

Course Title: Oceanography

Course Number: 84920

Credits: 3

Year & Term: Fall 2021

Meeting Times: Tuesday & Friday, 9 – 11:05 am

Tuesday – Bldg 33, Rm 128

Friday – Bldg 31, Rm 15

Time Commitment: Approximately 12 hours/week

Professor Email:

What You Will Need

Your beautiful, thinking, hardworking brain!

Course Learning Outcomes

Course learning outcomes are the goals you are aiming to achieve by the end of this course.

  • Explain the theory of plate tectonics and how it relates to the formation of undersea floor structures.

  • Reconstruct the major circulation patterns of the dominant ocean circulation systems, atmospheric circulation systems, and analyze their interrelationships.

  • Describe the principles involved in the formation of tides and waves and evaluate their effects upon oceanic coastal processes.

  • Summarize the major physical properties of the oceans and evaluate how they affect the marine life communities.


Project Goal: Provide Evidence of your Knowledge

I believe the best way for me to guide you as you build your knowledge is to use an ePortolio for you to submit evidence of your growth and knowledge of each of the individual student learning objectives for this class.

Assessment Examples (extremely minimal list of ideas):

  • Can you produce a YouTube video explaining a particular concept, such as human/ocean connections?

  • Could you produce a news article discussing new government policies and the effect they will have on the ocean?

  • What about a discussion/essay of recent journal articles and their connection with concepts from the objectives?

  • How about a critique of a science fiction film and how it got the science right and/or wrong based on your knowledge?

  • You decide to make personal changes in your life due to concepts you've learned in this class. So you write an explanation of what changes you're making, what led you to make them, and journal/photo document your journey.

How to achieve this:

Please create an e-Portfolio SHELL. I recommend Google Sites as they are very simple and I know it best so will be able to help you when you need it. However, Wix is another common one as is Portfolium. You can choose whichever one of them you feel most comfortable with.

This project is what your final grade for this class will be based on, so start building with the goal of continually building, adding, tweaking as we move through this semester.

For this assignment you need to complete the following (steps are for google site but similar steps for the others):

  • Create a google account if you do not already have one

  • Create a google site

    • Think through what you want to name your site. If you wish to name it something related to this class that is fine, but keep in mind that you'll be able to take this with you for your future use.

  • Set up your google site to include the following pages, SHELL ONLY. None of this needs filled in right now, but get started on learning how to create pages.

    • Class reflections (you can copy your first reflection into here)

    • ePortfolio page

      • SLO 1

      • SLO 2

      • SLO 3

      • SLO 4

  • Submit the form below once you have created your google site shell

Submit ePortfolio link

Submit your ePortfolio link here