Course Details

Course Description

An introduction to the marine environment.

Methods and techniques of exploration, physics, and chemistry of the oceans; adaptations of organisms; significance of the marine environment to man.

A general survey of the major aspects of oceanography; history, topography, geography, geology, chemistry, physics, meterology, biology, and resource management.

Course Information

Course Title: Oceanography

Course Number: 84251

Credits: 3

Year & Term: Fall 2021

Meeting Times: Monday/Wednesday 1:30 – 3 pm

Time Commitment: Approximately 9 hours/week

Professor Email:

What You Will Need

Your beautiful, thinking, hardworking brain!

Course Learning Outcomes

Course learning outcomes are the goals you are aiming to achieve by the end of this course.

  • Explain the theory of plate tectonics and how it relates to the formation of undersea floor structures.

  • Reconstruct the major circulation patterns of the dominant ocean circulation systems, atmospheric circulation systems, and analyze their interrelationships.

  • Describe the principles involved in the formation of tides and waves and evaluate their effects upon oceanic coastal processes.

  • Summarize the major physical properties of the oceans and evaluate how they affect the marine life communities.

The Project...

What should we do?

Details for the project will be identified here once we have brainstormed, discussed, planned, and finalized both as a class and individually. We will talk details during the first couple weeks of class and the details of what you decide will be placed here as our final agreement.