Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Explainability methods

for processing low-resolution & low-cost heat sensor data

Occupancy prediction using one heat sensor data

Data sets: Single sensor data set & Labels

Results: Sirmacek, B.; Riveiro, M. Occupancy Prediction Using Low-Cost and Low-Resolution Heat Sensors for Smart Offices. Sensors 2020, 20, 5497. Access

Showcase video:

Occupancy prediction using multiple heat sensor data

Data sets: Multi-sensor data & Labels

Results: Arvidsson, S.; Gullstrand, M.; Sirmacek, B.; Riveiro, M. Sensor Fusion and Convolutional Neural Networks for Indoor Occupancy Prediction Using Multiple Low-Cost Low-Resolution Heat Sensor Data. Sensors 2021, 21, 1036. Access

Funding of this research:

We gratefully acknowledge the grant from The Knowledge Foundation under the project MAPPE (Mining Actionable Patterns from complex Physical Environments using interpretable machine learning).