An obstacle (also called a barrier, impediment, or stumbling block) is an object, thing, action or situation that causes an obstruction.[1] Different types of obstacles include physical, economic, biopsychosocial, cultural, political, technological and military.

When different communities or countries, which border or not, cannot develop good relations, for economic, cultural or political reasons, they may exceed the limits of diplomatic negotiations, creating military defensive or offensive obstacles to their opponents or enemies, such as:

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Sawtooth is one of Savage Race's signature obstacles. You can't miss this blue mammoth with it's unique design. The gnarly tooth in the center of the structure has diminished the hopes and dreams of many Savages as they drop 10 feet into the water below. You'll need to start working on those pull-ups to cross the entire 35 foot span. Completion Rate: 40%

For example, I want to find out the shortest paths between the points in red. These paths could be the ones shown in blue, if they take obstacles into account. If not, it may generate the dashed line in blue

afbeelding19201198 115 KB

I would probably divide the terrain into a regular grid of points and get rid of the points that are within one or more obstacles. The path finding algorithm, which gets the points as input, should thus only be able to travel to valid points and around obstacles.

To take obstacles into an account: obstacles should cut out the terrain mesh. If you want to have your terrain mesh as you have right now - you can have 2 meshes: terrain mesh, and mesh created from terrain mesh but with cut outs, just to use it as graph.

An alternative appropriate graph is the visibility graph, where one connects all the vertices of the obstacles and cull any that intersect the obstacles. Which should yield the shortest visible path (i.e. which would be difficult to represent with navigation mesh):

2022-04-29 10_09_54-VisibilityGraph.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (64-bit)1453961 420 KB

This paper provides guidance on the steps, obstacles and mistakes to avoid in the implementation of community mental health care. The document is intended to be of practical use and interest to psychiatrists worldwide regarding the development of community mental health care for adults with mental illness. The main recommendations are presented in relation to: the need for coordinated policies, plans and programmes, the requirement to scale up services for whole populations, the importance of promoting community awareness about mental illness to increase levels of help-seeking, the need to establish effective financial and budgetary provisions to directly support services provided in the community. The paper concludes by setting out a series of lessons learned from the accumulated practice of community mental health care to date worldwide, with a particular focus on the social and governmental measures that are required at the national level, the key steps to take in the organization of the local mental health system, lessons learned by professionals and practitioners, and how to most effectively harness the experience of users, families, and other advocates.

All academics must write to succeed in their chosen career. Yet, most academics experience obstacles to starting and completing writing. Addressing these obstacles is the main aim of my book Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks (second edition, 2019).

The final report, Obstacles at Every Turn: Barriers to Political Participation Faced by Native American Voters, was released June 4, 2020, and provides detailed evidence that Native people face obstacles at every turn in the electoral process: from registering to vote, to casting votes, to having votes counted.

Obstacles include 140 fully or occasionally-staffed checkpoints, 165 unstaffed road gates (of which nearly half are normally closed), 149 earth mounds and 251 other unstaffed obstacles (roadblocks, trenches, earth walls, etc). The most significant difference observed since the last survey in terms of the category of obstacle are the addition of 36 road gates and the removal of 31 earth mounds. The largest net increase was recorded in Ramallah governorate with a total of 15 additional obstacles.

In recent years, the system of road obstacles has increasingly allowed Israeli forces to quickly close or open any given area depending on the level of tension. The majority of obstacles (some 80 per cent) are not staffed and are used to funnel Palestinian traffic towards a restricted number of junctions controlled by checkpoints. During times of calm, these checkpoints are mostly unstaffed or security personnel carry out occasional checks on vehicles. By contrast, when tensions arise, checkpoints are mostly staffed and vehicles are stopped more frequently, generating delays. This occurred on a wide scale during the last quarter of 2015 following an escalation in Palestinian attacks and mass demonstrations, and had a significant humanitarian and economic impact, particularly across Hebron governorate.[1]

The Digital Obstacle File (updated every 56 days) describes all known obstacles of interest to aviation users in the United States, with limited coverage of the Pacific, the Caribbean, Canada, and Mexico. The obstacles are assigned unique numerical identifiers; accuracy codes, and listed in order by state.

Overcoming obstacles to learning means addressing obstacles that impede the ability of students to learn. This includes tackling issues like attendance, mental health and high-speed internet. Attendance is a critical concern: students need to be present to engage with learning, but the pandemic greatly impacted attendance. Ohio is investing in several programs to support student attendance. The state also is investing in resources to support districts in meeting the mental health needs of their students, including a Center of Excellence for Prevention Education. Ohio is ensuring more students and families have access to additional learning opportunities at home such as online learning through programs and services, like the Connectivity Champions.

Many of these schools faced similar problems in the spring. A new analysis of Pew Research Center data collected in early April finds that 59% of parents with lower incomes who had children in schools that were remote at the time said their children would likely face at least one of three digital obstacles asked about.

Parents who anticipated at least one of these obstacles were more likely than others to say schools should provide computers to at least some students during the outbreak (92%) and that the government should ensure high-speed internet access to all Americans during the outbreak (57%). By comparison, fewer parents who expected their child to encounter no such challenges said the same (80% and 34%, respectively).

2. assess, on the basis of a large-scale survey among EU citizens in all EU Member States and a survey among health professionals in EU Member States, to what extent these obstacles have a negative impact on vaccination coverage rates;

Sometimes my local costmap does not inflate all obstacles. It marks everything that it should as LETHAL, but then doesn't mark some of the cells around the lethal cells. Picture attached for reference.

Close Terrain Shaping Obstacles (CTSO) is a hand emplaced Terrain Shaping capability that will consist of both Top Attack (TA) and Bottom Attack (BA) anti-vehicle munitions. CTSO is an anti-vehicle munition system designed to engage threat Main Battle Tanks, Infantry Fighting Vehicles, Engineer Breaching Vehicles, and Transport Erector Launchers. CTSO systems are designed to support combat operations during high intensity conflict. CTSO as a Directed Obstacle capability achieves a 50% increase in Brigade Combat Team capability against near-peer threats.

The obstacle created by the munitions will be networked and controlled by an operator using a remote control station. If the munitions in the munition field have not fired or dispensed, they can be turned off and reused. In looking to field capabilities to the Soldier sooner, the CTSO development and fielding strategy consists of three distinct increments all of which build upon each other to ultimately achieve the full CTSO system. 

The first increment is the TA munition capability. This will deliver a next generation TA munition system that will have limited command and control by a remote operator. The second increment will be the development of the next generation BA capability. The BA munition will be compatible with the command and control of the first increment thus allowing the munitions to be used together to form complex obstacles. The final increment of the CTSO development provides a full network capability that would allow the system to connect to the Army's mission command system.

The completion of the final increment of CTSO supports a Common Anti-Vehicular Munition (CAVM) that becomes the basis for replacement of the Family of Scatterable Mines (FASCAM) system. This will be essential for TSO to be integrated into multiple delivery platforms to provide command and control at greater distances. CAVM will also provide the US Army a common operating picture (COP) of TSO at close (0- 12km), mid (12-40km), and deep (40-300km) ranges.

While the pandemic presented obstacles for many students during the 2020-21 school year, GAO's nationwide survey of public K-12 teachers showed that teachers with certain vulnerable student populations were more likely to have students who faced significant obstacles to learning and an increased risk of falling behind academically. GAO estimates that teachers who taught in a virtual environment for the majority of the year with mostly high-poverty students were about six to 23 times more likely to have students who lacked an appropriate workspace, compared to all other teachers in their grade-level band. Regarding strategies to address learning loss, GAO found, with one exception, no differences between teachers of high- and low-poverty students. 17dc91bb1f

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