For the life of me I can't get this! Just want a SIMPLE countdown timer. Idealy, an inputbox for just minutes to be put in. A start button. That's it! To save space, the start button would change to the countdown timer. A way to know it's done, preferably when the timer hits 0 to have that in red..

I did. I'm trying to use a GUI I already have up all the time. I'm trying to put this timer at the bottom and very clean/small. Also, having a hard time reading/understanding the code. What I have so far, I like. Just trying to tweak it a little so it works flawlessly.

Obs Countdown Timer Script Download

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Just want a timer to show when our transfer switch will switch back to normal utility power. I have a tag that shows we are on regular utility power and another that shows that generator is running. Want to show a timer when regular utility power is restored. It takes 15 minutes to transfer.

If you've got a tag indicating which power source you're on, add a tag change script to it that writes the current timestamp to some other tag. Then in your UI, use @bkarabinchak.psi's expression to show the delta between that stored timestamp and the current time for a 'count up'.

This equation calculates the time the button was pressed plus some integer amount of time (in minutes). Then it takes the difference between that calculated time and now() in minutes. This is a negative value equal to setup_TimeAllotted untiil we run out of time. To make the timer appear as a countdown timer I take the absolute value of this result.

I'm looking for an elegant way to keep a running countdown timer on the screen for when we schedule a system reboot (usually a one-hour timer). I could probably hack something together (like a constantly-refreshing CocoaDialog window) and have done so in the past, but I imagine there has to be a better solution out there.

jamfHelper has a counter display and a countdown function. You can make jamfHelper windows appear with no buttons, so in essense it would be a window they couldn't dismiss but would show a countdown. The only issue is the default text when using a countdown is "Please make a selection" or something like that, which doesn't make sense since the users wouldn't be selecting anything. Just watching it count down.

I just threw this script together after reading your post and tested it and it works pretty nicely. Check it out. Change the path to cocoaDialog if you need to. Ours is deployed to the same location as jamfHelper.

This script does a 5 minute countdown (from 300 seconds down to 0) before disappearing. If you couple that with something like a shutdown -r +300 & command in your script right at the time the progress bar appears, it would start a 300 second reboot time and push it to the background and allow the rest of the script to run, meaning right after the progress bar disappears the Mac will reboot. You can change the variables up a little but the $progLeft one should stay at 100 to start with since that's the "full" progress bar it starts off with.

Hmm that is a good idea, I will try that out, I'm already using the CocoaDialog progress bar to display software update installation progress (the softwareupdate command can pipe into it very nicely). My biggest issue with that sort of script is getting the time synced properly to avoid any potential drift with repeated sleep commands and deal with system sleep/wake.

Ok, here is my modified script which corrects for any drift and displays minutes as well as seconds. Going to keep working on this, I think it may be a better way to go since the jamfHelper countdown option has hard-coded dialogue which doesn't fit my needs, and I agree with doing a "shutdown now" at the end rather than a delayed shutdown command running the whole time.

Looks good! Wow, you're giving them a 60 minute countdown? That's pretty generous. Or was that just for testing purposes?

BTW, I actually timed the script using my iPhone stopwatch and there is no drift from what I can tell. It displayed for exactly 5 minutes in my tests.

I did notice one thing in my limited testing, and you may want to verify. When the progress bar dialog is up, the end user can quit the dialog by pressing Command-Q. The timer still keeps counting down and executes any code after your last done statement, if there is any. However, if the user can quit that, they may think the timer has stopped.

Regarding drift and system sleep: I just ran a quick test and since the timer is constantly syncing with the system clock, time spent sleeping counts towards the timer. Sleep/resume works as you would expect in that scenario. I'm actually not sure which behavior I would prefer, I will have to think about that.

@Potter you need to use the -timeout switch to set the number of seconds before the window times out. The -countdown switch then displays the timer counting down. If you do not put the -countdown switch in, there will be no timer counting down on the jamfHelper Window.

cocoaDialog can customize the timeout text or just remove it altogether, but even there your options are limited. You can leave the default text which states something like "timeout in [time left]" where [time left] is an actual countdown that ticks by. Or you can specify a blank text string which removes the timeout indicator completely. Or you can specify some static text to display but you won't get an actual countdown appear in the dialog.

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Anyone know of any scripts that allow for a simple countdown to be shown on an LCD screen? I just need to make it for 5 minutes but it needs to auto run everytime I activate the block and basically reset to 5 every time it finishes it's cycle. Any help would be awesome. Thanks all.

The ideal would be with a loops option (that I can activate or deactivate in my menu) which means that for example if I put the timer at 30 minutes arrived at the end of 30 minutes it starts again on a timer automatically.

You can monitor time with llGetTime, which tell you the number of seconds that have elapsed since the script was reset or since you told it to llResetTime. So, you can keep track of time by triggering a timer event with llSetTimerEvent(1.0) Ā and then

If you have the ability to make such a texture, and the ability to work with simple scripts then there are people here who will help you make such a timer. It isn't actually difficult to do if you make a good texture that is nicely proportioned so that the maths for the texture offsets and repeats doesn't require any awkward corrections.

For anyone on a system with easy access to ImageMagick (a dependency of many free image editors, including gimp) and a shell, (I.E linux, or maybe mac) I put together a set of shell scripts that generate such a texture:

I was going to post my train timer which does exactly what the OP has asked for, but then I realised I made up a special mesh for it that might be outside the OP's toolset. I'll probably put the script and texture up anyway as an example of a simple minute and seconds timer, but I do like your method of generating the texture.

I made mine by putting prims together in SecondLife with a single digit on each, positioning them by script, and then grabbing screencaps looking down vertically with the sun set to midday to ensure even illumination.

Yep, i had that same problem. It would just hang for the amount of time indicated (i.e. 10 seconds for counting to 10) then everything gets pooped out at once. Strange behavior indeed. I did it with Python in the terminal and also made a small python script and ran it that way, too. It only worked after I got rid of the end parameter, which again, seems odd.

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Good step. Read thru all the scripts you find. So while Jos was refering to the code that wakillon posted in this thread to help you, it will surely help you to read thru the many 'countdown' related scripts you will find in the Examples section. Soon the lightbulb above your head will be burning brightly!

I am making a new campain and will be using the countdown timer again. The problem is that the date is set to September so days will be in 3 numbers. How do I manage to make this visible? I am attaching a work file if you have the time to help out

Countdown clocks can be ridiculous to setup. Would love to see if anyone has a simple solution for implementing this countdown clock. The issue I encountered multiple times with setting one up, was that it would make the javascript cal (to start the countdown)l at the refresh of the page instead of calling it from another point to give it a true countdown to a certain date. @cyberdave or @callmevlad can probably give a solution here or point us in the right direction.

This is an example of the jQuery plugin "The Final Countdown" Download the plugin2. Upload the .js at your server 3. In the footer, put a link to where you have the countdown jQuery script stored.4....

I want each time 2 aircraft enter a zone to receive a 60 seconds "countdown" where after that time a random value is set to a flag which wil either reset the 60 seconds and restart the process or send a message to the groups and end the loop .

They only set off the timer. Once that happens , i want a flag to receive a random value between 0-10 every 60 seconds . If at the end of each 60 second cycle that value is over 5 then the cycle stops , if it is less then 5 , the cycles repeats with a new 60 second timer to next check. e24fc04721

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