If I measure the time since the last frame in order to update my sprite positions correctly, I get a slight jitter in the movements. This is because the times are accurate to the millisecond, and 1/60s does not neatly fall on millisecond boundaries.

The main purpose of requestAnimationFrame is to sync updates to the monitor's refresh rate. This will require you to animate at the FPS of the monitor or a factor of it (ie. 60, 30, 15 FPS for a typical refresh rate @ 60 Hz).

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If you want a more arbitrary FPS then there is no point using rAF as the frame rate will never match the monitor's update frequency anyways (just a frame here and there) which simply cannot give you a smooth animation (as with all frame re-timings) and you can might as well use setTimeout or setInterval instead.

The reason why we place setTimeout first (and why some place rAF first when a poly-fill is used) is that this will be more accurate as the setTimeout will queue an event immediately when the loop starts so that no matter how much time the remaining code will use (provided it doesn't exceed the timeout interval) the next call will be at the interval it represents (for pure rAF this is not essential as rAF will try to jump onto the next frame in any case).

These are all good ideas in theory, until you go deep. The problem is you can't throttle an RAF without de-synchronizing it, defeating it's very purpose for existing. So you let it run at full-speed, and update your data in a separate loop, or even a separate thread!

Use a separate setInterval for updating translation and rotation values, physics, collisions, etc. Keep those values in an object for each animated element. Assign the transform string to a variable in the object each setInterval 'frame'. Keep these objects in an array. Set your interval to your desired fps in ms: ms=(1000/fps). This keeps a steady clock that allows the same fps on any device, regardless of RAF speed. Do not assign the transforms to the elements here!

Use the RAF to update your transforms only, use only 3D transforms (even for 2d), and set css "will-change: transform;" on elements that will change. This keeps your transforms synced to the native refresh rate as much as possible, kicks in the GPU, and tells the browser where to concentrate most.

This keeps your updates to the data objects and transform strings synced to desired 'frame' rate in the SI, and the actual transform assignments in the RAF synced to GPU refresh rate. So the actual graphics updates are only in the RAF, but the changes to the data, and building the transform string are in the SI, thus no jankies but 'time' flows at desired frame-rate.

Same as method 1, but put the SI in web-worker. It'll run on a totally separate thread then, leaving the page to deal only with the RAF and UI. Pass the sprite array back and forth as a 'transferable object'. This is buko fast. It does not take time to clone or serialize, but it's not like passing by reference in that the reference from the other side is destroyed, so you will need to have both sides pass to the other side, and only update them when present, sort of like passing a note back and forth with your girlfriend in high-school.

This is the fastest way I know to animate elements via script. The two functions will be running as two separate programs, on two separate threads, taking advantage of multi-core CPU's in a way that a single js script does not. Multi-threaded javascript animation.

It's important to know that requestAnimationFrame depends on the users monitor refresh rate (vsync). So, relying on requestAnimationFrame for game speed for example will make it unplayable on 200Hz monitors if you're not using a separate timer mechanism in your simulation.

Run them separately. It's simple and not janky. In your setInterval, update your math and create a little CSS script in a string. With your RAF loop, only use that script to update the new coordinates of your elements. Don't do anything else in the RAF loop.

The RAF is tied inherently to the GPU. Whenever the script does not change (i.e. because the SI is running a gazillion times slower), Chromium-based browsers know they do not need to do anything, because there are no changes. So the on-the-fly script created each "frame", say 60 times per second, is still the same for say 1000 RAF GPU frames, but it knows nothing has changed, and the net result is it wastes no energy on this. If you check in DevTools, you will see your GPU frame-rate registers at the rate delineated by the setInterval.

For throttling FPS to any value, pls see jdmayfields answer.However, for a very quick and easy solution to halve your frame rate, you can simply do your computations only every 2nd frame by:

This frames to timecode calculator (or TC calculator for short) helps you convert frames to timecode in a recorded video. Thanks to this tool, you will be able to quickly identify the correct frame or check how long your video will be.

The number of frames shown per second, also called fps or frame rate, varies depending on the video. For instance, most regular movies use 24 fps, but this number can be as low as 12 fps (in the case of animated movies) or as high as 60 fps.

The value of 24 frames per second is one of the video industry's most commonly used frame rates. This number is partly arbitrary, but it's a compromise between a "jumpy" video (with an excessively low frame rate) and a "heavy" video (with a high frame rate). Nothing stops you from using different frame rates, but remember that most video editors take 24 as default!

I've been playing around with Erkul's loadouts and I'm struggling to figure out cooling rates over time for weapons. There's an indicator on the loadouts that denote that a weapon will overheat over time. I've been trying to figure out what each weapon's "time until overheat". 10 seconds to overheat vs 3 minutes to overheat are very different scenarios.

When used in an animation context, requestAnimationFrame (the method responsible for creating an animation loop in JavaScript) will attempt to establish a framerate, usually 60 frames per second (fps). However, according to Mozilla's web docs, the fps rate produced by requestAnimationFrame "will generally match the display refresh rate in most web browsers as per W3C recommendation."

For instance, if one of your game's characters is meant to move at the pace of one-pixel for every frame of animation, they'll move at a total rate of 120 pixels per second compared to the standard 60. This means your character is traveling double the distance within the same amount of time, making it feel as though your game is playing at twice the speed of that on a 60hz monitor.

Depending on what monitor you're using, running the code in index.js will start an animation loop that typically runs at a standard 60fps or a very fast 120fps. To determine which we're using, we can either check the hz value associated with our monitors (my MacBook refreshes at a rate of 120hz), or we can add some code that logs how many frames have passed for every second:

To limit our game's framerate we need to track the amount of time that has passed between each of our frames. To do this, we'll start by getting a value that represents total elapsed time in JavaScript:

For the very first frame of our animation, subtracting two separate versions of window.performance.now() will give us a result that's close to 0. You may think, "Well, that's kind of useless if the amount of time between frames is 0," and yes, that is true, but you must remember, this is the amount of time between msNow and msPrev on initial load. Only when we get to frame two of our animation will we start to see meaningful values assigned to msPassed.

fps is the frames per second I want the game to run at, while msPerFrame is the amount of time in milliseconds required for one frame to pass if we were to runs things at a rate of 60fps. Calculating this, msPerFrame will be equal to a value of 16.67, meaning one frame will take 16.67 milliseconds to complete in a 60 fps loop.

As you saw earlier, when calculating msPassed, we were receiving values around 8, meaning 8ms have passed between each frame. What I want to do is prevent our loop from setting msPrev for every frame, and only set this if 16.67 milliseconds pass between consecutive frames.

If msPassed is a value greater than 16.67, say 20, then we have about 4 ms left over that's not taken into account for the next frame of our loop and we might not be running at a true 60fps. Small amounts of ms values can add up and really throw off the rate at which we call render code, so we need to make sure that left over value (in this case, 4) is taken into account.

We want to make sure we take these excess seconds into account when calculating msPassed on the next iteration of the loop, so we'll set msPrev equal to this frame's current time with msNow, but subtract the excess time as well:

Missing a frame is common due to computational power, limitations, and time syncing. Really you should only start worrying once your frame rate starts dipping past a point where your game feels choppy, typically in my experience this is around 30fps, but you always want to make sure your frame rate is hitting 60fps as consistently as possible.

In all, this is one way you can limit your fps on screens that have a higher refresh rate. If you know of any improvements, let me know in the comments down below, I'd love improve and learn from you as well.

I've noticed a handful of music videos that are shot in slow motion (my guess here is possibly 60fps?) and the performer is singing and yet the lips appear to be relatively in sync to the music. Now is this a case of simply shooting the performance like you normally would but just at a higher frame rate, or is there more to it that I'm missing ? Below are some examples the first one being the strongest. 589ccfa754

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