I have about 200 typrwritten pages that I want to convert to Word and then insert one-by-one in a book I am writing. Sometimes the conversion is accurate with only spacing incorrect. Sometimes about 1/3 is inaccurate (e.g., 'Z' for 'l', '.'inserted in every third word. Sometimes the export is total garbage. Also, I cannot change the font or margins on any exported page. Is this the best one can expect from Export PDF?

--dc--adobecom.hlx.page/dc-shared/assets/images/shared-images/frictionless/seo-icons/word-pdf-converting.svg | An Acrobat PDF document and text document with arrows showing how you can convert a PDF to Microsoft Word

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--dc--adobecom.hlx.page/dc-shared/assets/images/shared-images/frictionless/seo-icons/download-and-share.svg | A download arrow with a small cloud showing that you can easily download your converted file

Did you ever get a solution? I just bought Adobe dc pro and now have the same problem. it is maddening, esp when they pretend they don't underestand you. It always worked when I had a cheap version of adobe pc maker and now it doesnt, that's an expensive non-imporvement

Yes, this work around works for displaying word 2019 markups, but it also disables any internal links and URLs in the document, not an issue when displaying word track-changes, but one must remember to recheck the setting before making the final pdf file.

How do I convert a dynamic XML pdf form created from Livecycle designer ES to Microsoft word? I have Acrobat X and when I click on File -> Save As - > and choose 'Save as type' as "Microsoft Word Document (*.doc)", I am getting this message: "Save as failed to process this document. No file was created."

Is this because its a dynamic XML form with many javascripts in the form design? if not, what could be the cause of this that is making the file not savable to word format? All of these forms are created from Livecycle designer and I have tried using Acrobat X to convert them to word but it doesnt work.

Thank you radzmar. Printing to pdf and then saving it to word doc works. But the generated word file does not have the same alignment as of the original file. Meaning, some elements are distorted and aligned incorrectly. Is that normal?

Also is there a way to add a button on these XFA forms that generates / converts the filled pdf document to a word doc or other formats such as jpeg, etc through a server based conversion so that users with only Adobe reader can still convert these files by clicking on a "convert" button or something like that? Is there any solution or method for this?

Acrobat WILL convert MS Excel docs and webpages to pdf. But when I click "Create pdf from file" and select a word file, it opens the file in MS Word, then stops all further action- the Acrobat page remains blank.

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