What to Eat Before and After a Workout – Obfgyms

What to Eat Before and After a Workout – Obfgyms

Daily workout plays a key role in keeping an athlete fit and active. However, if a workout does not follow the proper diet plan, it will not do any good. An athlete should make his diet an essential part of his gym workout plans¸ to fuel up his body and keep up the momentum for a daily extensive workout. New athletes usually lack proper knowledge about their diet plans and fail to achieve their fitness goals. If you are in the same league then no worries! As we are about to uncover what to eat before or after a workout and why diet is necessary before and after a gym workout.

Importance of Diet before and after gym workout

Researches have indicated that an athlete requires carbohydrates; therefore using a diet full of carbohydrates before and after a workout fuel the body and enables him to continue the intense workout for a longer time. Being a beginner athlete, you must ask your fitness nutritionist to recommend you a healthy diet plan. Eating or drinking anything before or after exercise might bring many issues such as gas and digestion problems.

Diet Plan for early morning Excurse

If you like to make your gym workout plans in the morning, you do not have to eat before or after a workout. However, eating healthy food will keep your blood sugar levels up and makes you feel more energetic during your exercise. It is also important that you should know what your stomach could easily digest in the morning. Many individuals prefer gym workouts to lose weight, which can lead them to the fat-burning zone. However, for many athletes, a little bit of breakfast will fuel their bodies and help them to do an extensive workout.

If you are from one of those individuals who like to eat something in the morning before exercise you should go for the diet which is digestible such as

  1. Toast

  2. Banana

  3. Orange juice

  4. Apple sauce

Many people have a great metabolic rate and they can even easily take a glass of milk or almond milk. If you are using coffee before your workout routine, no worries as it is an ok drink to take before your early morning gym workout.

Later Morning Exercise diet plan

Working in the later part of the morning requires having breakfast as the main meal before or after the workout, which should include

  1. Oatmeal with nuts

  2. Cereal

  3. Bagel along with peanut butter

Mid-day exercise

You must ensure that you had a healthy meal before 3-5 hours of your gym workout if you like to exercise in the afternoon. The lunch or evening snacks must include a reasonable amount of carbs and protein.

However, you should make sure that your foods and snacks do not contain a huge amount of sugar or fat such as

  1. Grapes

  2. Bananas

  3. Apple With peanut butter

  4. Fruits

  5. Low-fat chocolate milk

  6. Salad with chicken

  7. Meal replacement protein bars

Consumption of coffee before or after a gym workout depends on the metabolic rate of the athlete. Because coffee makes you jittery and nobody wants to feel unusual and uncomfortable in the middle

Food to avoid before workout

Expert nutritionists have claimed that many foods are not advantageous for the athlete. Therefore, he should not eat them as this food makes an athlete feel hungry and bloated. Below foods must be avoided at any cost before and after hitting the gym.


Sugary food or beverage


Carbonated drinks

Huge amount of fiber

Dairy products

Planning post-workout meal

A diet plan relies on the type of exercise an athlete is following as if you are willing for cardio exercise; you need to fuel your muscle by eating an appropriate amount of carbs. The expert athletes have claimed that the carbs to protein ratio must be 3-4 grams a day.

For Strength training

If you are aiming to repair, your muscles after the extensive gym exercise goes for 2 grams of carbs and 1 gram of protein. Moreover, you should consume a protein, which is easily digestible, and whey protein is the recommended one when it comes to quick and easy digestion. An athlete should eat a complete meal within an hour of daily workout to get optimum benefits latter