
[01.) BLOG POST: My First definition]

Assignment: Blog Post: My First Definition

Assigned: Tuesday, January 10

Due: Monday, January 16 @ 12:00PM (noon!)

Assignment Description:

As an introduction to Grasshopper for Rhino, we will be following along with some introductory video tutorials.  Then, we'll create a blog post to share our designs.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Follow along with these video tutorials in Grasshopper.

2.) Complete Tutorials 1 - 8

3.) Create a new blog post and upload screenshots of your creations.

4.) Create your own "riff" on the design covered in the tutorials:

      a.) Can you explore additional functions of the tools covered?

      b.) Can you connect the tools and processes from this tutorial to those covered in class?

5.) Write a brief reflection on your first experience in Grasshopper, and be sure to include any questions or technical issues you ran into.
6.) Post your Blog URL to the assignment section of the OBDF 310 Mosaic.

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Examples from previous semesters:

[02.) BLOG POST: Animation]

Assignment: Animation

Assigned: Tuesday, January 17

Due: Monday, January 23 @ noon (12pm)

Assignment Description:

Building upon demons from class, create an animation of your definition, showcasing how changing parameters over time affects the design. 

Assignment Requirements:

1.)  Revisit your definition from the Parametric Line Drawings assignment.

2.)  Using 'Remap Numbers' objects, create a single slider that controls the root parameters of your definition (at least 3 parameters).

3.)  Set up your view port to best showcase your design, and animate the slider. This will output a sequence of images.
(reminder: change ".bmp" to ".png" in the filename)

4.)  Upload the image sequence to Animated GIF Maker (  to create an animated GIF.

5.)  Include this GIF on a new post in your process blog.

6.)  Include, also, a reflection on any successes and/or challenges encountered with this process.

7.) Bonus challenge: Create 2 or more animations of your definition by experimenting with different ranges output from your "remap numbers" objects.

[03.) BLOG POST(s): MILESTONE PROJECT 1: Stacked Slices Model]

Assignment: MILESTONE PROJECT 1: Stacked Slices Model

Assigned: Tuesday, January 24

Progress post due: Monday, January 30 @ noon (12pm)
Final post and model due: Monday, February 6 @ noon (12pm)

Assignment Description:

Using grasshopper, we will create a stacked-slice model from a surface-based form. By taking contours from the form and extruding them, we will build a definition for a flexible model.  We will then fabricate these models from various materials using the laser cutter, and finally assemble them to recreate an approximation of the original form.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Create a 3D surface-based form. Notes:

a.) this will work the best if it is fewer surfaces. The surface can be complex but avoid a polysurface of many seperate surfaces)

b.) This form can also be created in grasshopper, or modelled traditionally in Rhino, or a combination thereof

2.) Create a definition to "slice" the form into layers (using contour objects and extrude commands)

3.) Create an animation of the result, showcasing the parametric properties of your stacked-slice model.

4.) Derive 2D (curve-based) profiles from each cross section (for laser cutting) and nest them in preperation for cutting your selected material. (We will look at automating nesting next week so it is advised you wait on that step)

5.) Laser cut the sections of your model

6.) You can also include 3D printed components, but it should be structural/complimentary and not serve as the majority of the model

7.) Document this process on your blog.  This will count as TWO blog posts (alternatively

Schedule a laser cutting session in the Thing Tank: 

[04.) BLOG POST: Algorithmic Surface Modelling + Animation]

Assignment: BLOG POST: Algorithmic Surface Modelling + Animation

Assigned: Tuesday, Feb 7

Due: Monday, Feb 13 @ noon (12pm)

Assignment Description:

Using 'Section 5' of this reading as a guide, we will be creating definitions for generating algorithmic surface designs.  These definitions will utilize sub-surface panelling techniques in Grasshopper to tesselate curves, surfaces and/or solids around forms created in Rhino or Grasshopper.

Reading: Paneling with Surface Morph (p. 20)

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Model a surface(s) in Rhino or in Grasshopper

2.) Create a tile-able design to be panelled accross sub-surfaces in GH.

3.) Create a GH definition for tesselating your tile around a form.

4.) Create an animation from this definition.

5.) Document all of the above in a new post on your process blog.

[05.) BLOG POST:  Replicated/Remediated: DESIGN

Assignment: BLOG POST: Replicated/Remediated Object: Design

Assigned: Tuesday, Feb 14

Due: Monday, Feb 27 @ noon (12pm) 

Assignment Description:

Design for manufacturing: We will be creating plaster molds using 3D-printed positive forms.  These will be utilized as slipcast molds to create ceramic objects.  Our first step: to ideate and design a form!

Design Requirements:

1.) We will be creating a two-part mold, so the following elements must be considered:
a.) draft (angle)
b.) avoidance of "under cuts"
c.) plausibility of object to be removed from a two-part mold
2.) Your object must meet the following requirements:

        a.) Must fit within a 90x90x180mm box (see diagram below)

        b.) Must be self-supporting (no unsupported overhangs)

        c.) Must be possible to remove it from a two-part plaster mold

3.) You may choose to model your object in Grasshopper, in Rhino, OR a combination thereof.
4.) Your object must be a unique design (i.e. not derrived from a found model, not directly derrivitave of anyone else's work)

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Ideate. Create a multitude of sketches, or preliminary concepts in rhino.

2.) Select one concept to move forward with

3.) Create a preliminary model in Rhino and/or Grasshopper

4.) Generate 6 (six) screen resolution renders

5.) Document all of the above in a new blog post

Artists to Consider:

1.) Del Harrow

2.) Brooks Oliver

3.) Ebitenyefa Baralaye
4.) Kieu Tran

[06.) BLOG POST:  Replicated/Remediated: Mold POSITIVES & MATCH PLATE

Assignment: BLOG POST: Replicated/Remediated Object: Design

Assigned: Tuesday, March 7

Due: Monday, March 13 @ noon (12pm) 

Assignment Description:

Design for manufacturing: We will be creating plaster molds using 3D-printed positive forms.  These will be utilized as slipcast molds to create ceramic objects.  Our first step: to ideate and design a form!

3D Print Requirements:

1.) Your object must meet the following requirements:

        a.) Must fit within a 90x90x180mm box (with wiggle room) including the spout (see #2 below)

        b.) Must be self-supporting (no unsupported overhangs)

        c.) Must be possible to remove it from a two-part plaster mold

2.) Add a 10mm extrusion to the top (this will be a pour spout for the mold)
3.) Create a copy of the object, cut it in half, and add a 3mm extrusion on the flat side (where the other half was cut away)
4.) 3D Print your objects as HOLLOW FORMS (no infill!) 

Laser Cut Requirements:

1.) laser cut a match plate to fit the silhouette of the form where it was cut in half

2.) Get the boundary from your half-object's flat side, using DupFaceBorder in Rhino

3.) Use THIS TEMPLATE for your match plate laser cut, and be sure to center your form on it.

4.) Be sure to use 3mm acrylic to create this match plate (book store supply, we will make some available for class in the Thing Tank)

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Document all of the above in a new post on your process blog
2.) Bring your prints and laser cut  with you to class.

[07.) Milestone Projects

Assignment: BLOG POST: Milestone Projects

Assigned: Tuesday, March 7

Due: Tuesday, March 4 @ class start  (final class)

Assignment Description:

Document all of the items below in a new post on your process blog. This blog post will be marked on professionalism and thoroughness - so be sure to include all of the required items, and be mindful of layout and organization. The completion of this blog post is mandatory in order to pass this course.

Assignment Requirements:

Include all of the items  below, along with a brief description/caption for each image.

1.) My First Definition:

a.) Screenshot of definition

b.) Screenshot OR renders of model

2.) Animation

a.) Screenshot of definition

b.) animated gif (or video)

3.) Stacked Slices Model

a.) Screenshot of definition(s)

b.) Renders of digital model

c.) Photos of physical model

4.) Replicate/Remediate

a.) Screenshot of definition (if applicable)

b.) Renders of Model

c.) Photos of plaster mold and process

d.) Photos of castings