
[01.) CASTLE]

Assignment: Blog Post: Castle

Assigned: Thursday, September 9

Due: Thursday, September 16 @ class start

Assignment Description:

Using Rhino's basic geometry, extrude and move tools, students will create an original model of a "castle".

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Using basic processes covered in class, create a 3D model of a castle in Rhino.

1.) Bring your "castle" rhino file with you to next class.

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Exemplary student work from previous semesters:





Assignment: Blog Post: Castle

Assigned: Thursday, September 16

Due: Wednesday, September 22 @ 12pm (noon!)

Assignment Description:

Document the results of your "castle" assignment (see above) via screenshots in your process journal.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Using basic processes covered in class, create a 3D model of a castle in Rhino.

3.) Use Snipping Tool to take at least six screen shots of your castle (in various perspectives and render modes)

4.) Create a new post on your process blog, title it, write a brief introduction and upload the images you captured of your castle.

5.) Include, along with the images, a brief description of which shapes, tools and/or processes you used to create your model.

6.) Include, also, a brief description of the successes and challenges met during this exercise.

7.) Submit your blog URL on Mosaic (Look for the "Process Blog URL" assignment.)

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Exemplary student work from previous semesters:





Assignment: Make These Shapes I

Assigned: Thursday, September 16

Due: Thursday, September 23 @ class start

Assignment Description:

To familiarize ourselves with Rhino's 2D drawing functions, we will create these practice shapes.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Create each of the shapes from this problem set.

2.) Do not worry about scale at this time, but try to approximate each shape as accurately as possible.

3.) All drawings should be together in one rhino file, and arranged in the same order as pictured in the problem set sheet.

4.) Save the file and upload to Mosaic by the beginning of next class (Thursday September 23).

5.) Write/sketch any questions or problems you run into down in your sketchbook and bring them with you to next class


Assignment: Blog Post: Surface Design Study: Research and Design

Assigned: Thursday, September 23

Due: Wednesday, October 6 @ 12PM (noon!)

Assignment Description:

Taking inspiration from one or more surface design(s) we find (in the real world!), create a geometric surface design sample using 2D tools explored in rhino.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Scavenger hunt! Find and document (with photos!!!) at least 10 examples of surface design from your every day lives. Look for ornamentation and patterns in clothing, furniture, architecture, interior decor, and more.

2.) Using a variety of Rhino 2D tools covered in class - create your own surface design sample inspired by one (or more!) of the designs you found, and use layers and hatching to add color/value to the regions in your design.

3.) Describe what drew you from the examples you documented, and how your sample attempts to take inspiration from it/them.

4.) As this assignment has a two-week turnaround, This will count as TWO blog posts

5.) We will do a mini "peer feedback" session on October 7 before moving on to the fabrication step of this project.

See examples from previous semesters:



Assignment: 3D Models from Technical Drawings

Assigned: Thursday, October 7

Due: Thursday, October 14 @ Class Start

Assignment Description:

To familiarize ourselves with Rhino's 3D drawing functions, we will create these practice objects.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Create each of the models from this problem set.

2.) Compile each object into one Rhino file (using copy and paste, or by importing each rhino file into one file)

3.) Upload the .3dm file to Mosaic under the "3D Models from Technical Drawings" assignment.


Assignment: Blog Post: Reverse Engineered Object: Selection

Assigned: Thursday, October 7

Due: Wednesday, October 13 @ 12:00PM (noon!)

Assignment Description:

We are going to reverse Engineer an Existing Object via 3D modeling. In other words, we will each be creating a Rhino model of an existing object. Your first task: select an object that is is complex or made from multiple parts. “Mechanical’ objects are excellent for the reason that they are inherently made up of several components that make up the assembly. For example: An ipod or Mp3 players, which have no moving parts are not the best choices. CD players, sink faucets, door hinges, clock mechanisms, and ski bindings are better because they contain moving parts that interact with each other.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Select THREE objects (you will be chosing one, but it is better to have several options in the beginning)

***Selection Guidelines:

a.) Device must be "dissectible". You have to be able to take it apart.

b.) Both external and internal parts must be measured with appropriate measuring tools.

c.) Measurements must be accurate to .01 mm wherever possible. Select a device that is easy to handle and measure with a caliper

d.) Object must be appropriate for our classroom environment. NO WEAPONS of any kind.

e.) It is highly recommended that the object is "mechanical" in nature. See description above.

f.) We will spend three weeks producing the models for this project. Do your best to select an object that is complex enough to be challenging for you, but reasonable enough to complete in the given time frame.

2.) Once you have made your selection, create a new blog post and introduce the assignment.

3.) Describe your selected objects and why you chose them for this project.

4.) Include images (photos) of your objects in the post (yes, composition of the photos will be considered when marking).

5.) Conclude the post with which one of the 3 objects you are most likely to proceed with for this project.


Example blog post:

[07.) BLOG POST: Surface Design Study: Laser Cut Sample]

Assignment: Blog Post: Surface Design Study: Laser Cut Sample

Assigned: Thursday, October 14

Due: Wednesday, November 3 @ 12pm (noon!)

Assignment Description:

We will be creating laser cut samples based on our Surface Design Study project.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) In Rhinoceros: Convert / adapt your design to use greyscale tones for engraving and red hairline curves where you wish cuts to be made.

2.) Scale your design to fit within a 4 by 4 inch area.
3.) Double check that there are no redundant lines or hatches in your design
4.) Schedule a laser cutting session in the Thing Tank to engrave and cut your design:



Assigned: Thursday, October 21

Due: Wednesday, October 27 @ 12pm (noon!)

Assignment Description:

Now that we have selected our objects to reverse engineer (via 3D modelling in Rhino), we will begin to manually digitize their components.

Using your digital calipers, take measurements from your object and from them create dimensioned geometry in Rhino.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Using your digital calipers, take measurements of your object's components (as you go).

2.) Using 2D and 3D geometry functions, re-create your objects geometry to-scale (inputting dimensions as you enter drawing commands)

3.) Aim for dimensional accuracy of one-tenth (0.0) of a millimeter.

4.) Document your progress digitizing your object in a new post on your process blog.

5.) Include images (i.e. photos of the disassembled objects, screenshots of CAD drawings / 3d models in progress) in the post.


Example blog posts:




Assigned: Thursday, October 28

Due: Wednesday, Nov 3 @ 12pm (noon!)

Assignment Description:

We continue to manually digitize our objects and their components in Rhinoceros.

Using your digital calipers, take measurements from your object and from them create dimensioned geometry in Rhino.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Using your digital calipers, take measurements of your object's components (as you go).

2.) Using 2D and 3D geometry functions, re-create your objects geometry to-scale (inputting dimensions as you enter drawing commands)

3.) Shoot for dimensional accuracy of one-tenth (0.0) of a millimeter.

4.) Document your progress digitizing your object in a new post on your process blog.

5.) Include images (screenshots) of your model in the post.


Example blog posts:


[09.) BLOG POST: REVERSE ENGINEERED OBJECT: HD Renders and Exploded View]

Assignment: BLOG POST: REVERSE ENGINEERED OBJECT: HD Renders and Exploded View

Assigned: Thursday, Nov 4

Due: Wednesday, Nov 10 @ 11:59pm (Midnight!) Wednesday, Nov 16 @ 12:00pm (Noon!)

Assignment Description:

After completing the manual digitization of our objects, we will use Rhino's 3D Rendering Engine to create high-resolution, photo realistic images of our objects. In addition, we will create exploded views of our objects to show the entire assembly of parts.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Complete the model of your object and its components.

2.) Create layers for the various materials of your object assembly, or assign materials manually.

3.) Add lights to the scene, or use one of the "skylight" options in Render Properties.

4.) Render at least four (4) "assembled" views of your object with the following rendering settings:

- 1200 x 1200 pixels (or greater)

- Quality = HIGH or FINAL

5.) Render at least one exploded view of your object that shows all of its components (with the same settings as above).

6.) Create a new post on your process blog and include the above images, along with an introduction to the assignment and a brief reflection on the project.

See exemplary posts from previous semesters:




[10.) BLOG POST: 3D-Printed Chess Set: Concepts]

Assignment: BLOG POST: 3D-Printed Chess Set: Concepts

Assigned: Thursday, Nov 18

Due: Wednesday, Nov 24 @ 12:00pm (Noon!)

Assignment Description:

We will each be designing 3D-printable a chess set. First: we will generate concepts for our set. Create a concept sketch, drawing or preliminary 3d model showcasing a concept for each of the 6 unique chess pieces.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) In your sketchbook, or in Rhino, create a plan (drawing or rough model) for each of the 6 (at minimum) unique chess pieces:

i.) Pawn

ii.) Bishop

iii.) Rook

iv.) Knight

v.) Queen

vi.) King

2.) Cliché Warning: Think outside of the box. Get weird. We are in no way interested in seeing a "traditional" set design.

3.) The set should be cohesive - each piece should look as if it belongs with the others!

4.) Consider the 3D printing technology we will be using (FDM) in your design. Will it require support material? Are details too intricate to be printed?

5.) Consider the possibility of incorporating non-3d-printed materials (i.e. hardware, wire, laser-cut wood/acrylic, etc)

Design Resources:

In case it is helpful, here is some information about chess set standards.

HOWEVER - feel free to break these rules-of-thumb as you see fit!

[11.) BLOG POST: 3D-Printed Chess Set]

Assignment: BLOG POST: 3D-Printed Chess Set

Assigned: Thursday, Nov 25

Due: Tuesday, Dec 7 @ Class Start

Assignment Description:

Finalize your 3D printed chess set design, print the set (6 pieces) and document your process in a new post on your process blog. See requirements below.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Finalize your designs and create 3D-printable models. Consider creating self-supporting structures, or how support material will be needed (and post-processed)

2.) For each piece (for a minimum total of 6) Export as STLs - be sure the models are water tight (closed polysurfaces) and manifold.

3.) Slice using PrusaSlicer (installed on PCs in the Thing Tank) - recommended settings: Printer set to Prusa i3 MK2.5, filament set to PLA and layer height set to .2mm (normal).

4.) Print your designs on the Prusa i3 printers in the Thing Tank. Sign up for time with Printers here:

5.) Document this project in a new post on your blog. Be sure to include:

a.) concept sketches and/or preliminary models

b.) consideration of feedback from peer-to-peer sessions

c.) TWO HD renders of final models:
i.) 6 different models in a line
ii.) Entire set Mocked up on a chess board

d.) photo/video documentation of printing process

e.) photos of final 3D prints (against a neutral background! ... see examples to the left)

f.) a brief description for each of the visuals listed above



Assigned: Thursday, Nov 25

Due: Tuesday, Dec 7 @ Class Start

Assignment Description:

Create a final blog post to showcase milestone projects from this course.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Select at least 2 (two) images from each of the following milestone projects:

a.) Castle

b.) Surface Design Study

c.) Reverse Engineered Object

d.) Outsourced 3D Printed Ring / Wearable

e.) 3D Printed Chess Set

2.) Create a new post on your process blog, and include these images (above).

3.) That will be all. :)

Example Blog Posts: