
[01.) Objectified: Response]

Assignment: Objectified: Response

Assigned: Friday, September 10

Due: Friday, September 17 @ class start

Assignment Description:
Watch Gary Hustwit's feature-length documentary:
Objectified. As the film examines the role of everyday non-living objects in our daily lives - we will each be creating our own object. After watching the film, we will utilize the tools covered in today's Tinkercad demonstration to design a virtual object inspired by one or more of the objects or ideas in the film. In addition, we will document our virtual object (via screen shots) on our process blog, along with a brief written reflection.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Watch Gary Hustwit's Objectified (link here)

2.) Use Tinkercad to create a virtual object inspired by / in response to one or more of the objects from the film.

3.) Take at least three screen shots of your virtual object (from various perspectives.) (hint: imagine the view port as a camera - make it a beautiful shot!)
a.) On a Windows PC: Use Snipping Tool. Instruction here.
b.) On a Mac PC: Use OSX screen shot. Instructions here.

4.) Create a new post on your process blog, title it, and upload the images you captured of your object.

5.) Include, along with the images, a description of what inspired you to create the object you did, how it relates to the film.

6.) If you are responding to a specific object from the film, be sure to include, in your description, the name of the designer or of the product if it is mentioned in the documentary.

7.) Bring your BLOG URL (i.e. with you to next class.

See examples of outstanding submissions for this assignment from previous classes:




[02.) Mesh Mashup: Concept Generation]

Assignment: Mesh Mashup: Concept Generation

Assigned: Friday, Sept 17

Due: Thursday, Sept 23 @ noon (12:00pm!)

Assignment Description:

As a continuation of our investigation into the role of the remixed object, we will be creating out very own mashup of two (or more!) objects found on But first, let's take time to generate concepts. By brainstorming and creating multiple concepts for this assignment, we gain practice with these tools, whist increasing our likelihood of landing on a rich and potent concept for this project.

Create a new post on your process blog that illustrates ten or more concepts for thingiverse mashups,

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Using Tinkercad, generate a minimum of 10 concepts for your Thingiverse Mashup.

2.) Each concept should include at least two 3D components sourced from

3.) Create a new post on your process blog, and include a screenshot of each concept (for a minimum total of 10.)

4.) Along with each screenshot, include a brief description of why you chose the two objects, and the relationship created or idea implied by combining them.

a.) Choose your objects wisely!

b.) Be sure to include a hyperlink for each object you use (in addition to proper attribution this will make it easier for you to find these objects again later on!)

5.) Include a title, and an introduction that explains your understanding of Remix Culture.

*NOTE* Limit ONE (1) "Creature" creation per student!! See instructor for more information.

See examples from previous semesters:






Examples of artists/art works working in Mashup, Remix, and Juxtaposition:

Photography by Stephen McMennan:

Assemblages by Debra Broz:

Sculptures by Kendal Murray:

Illustrations by Brandon Bird:

Universal Construction Kit by Golan Levin:

Thingiverse Mashup Bot:

Sculpture and Installations by Damien Hurst:

Sculptures by Genesis Belanger:

Mixed Media Installations by Sydney Shen:

[03.) Mesh Mashup: Selection and refinement]

Assignment: Mesh Mashup: Selection and Refinement

Assigned: Friday, Sep 24

Due: Wednesday, Sep 29 @ 11:59pm (Midnight!)

Assignment Description:

Now that we have generated a multitude of concepts for our Thingiverse Mashup, it is time to select and refine our most successful creation.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) With your colleagues' feedback in mind (from today's p2p critique session), select one of the concepts you generated to take forward toward the final design for this project. You may also decide to revise a concept completely, or to combine multiple concepts.

2.) Using Mesh Mixer in combination with Tinkercad, refine your design - pay attention to detail and strive to create a seamless, well-integrated object.

3.) Create a new post on your process blog, introducing your object.

4.) Include, in your post:

a.) Screenshots of the original objects (from thingiverss)

b.) At least 4 (four) screenshots showing your refined object from various perspectives.

5.) Include a response to the feedback you collected during our breakout sessions (1-2 paragraphs) - and how they did or did not influence your selection and final design.

6.) Finally, include, in your post, describe how your creation relates to Remix Culture (1-2 paragraphs) . Consider concepts such as:

a.) Remix - appropriating existing objects

b.) Read/Write Culture - A society that encourages remix

b.) Mashup - combining separate existing ideas to form a new one

c.) Juxtaposition - what relationship is created by merging these two objects/ideas together?

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See examples of similar projects from previous semesters:






Assignment: Mesh Mashup: HD Renders

Assigned: Friday, October 1

Due: Thursday, October 7 @ 12pm (noon)

Assignment Description:

To wrap up Project One: Mesh Mashup, we will create HD renders of our creations in Rhinoceros.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Assign materials to each component of your model

2.) Add a ground plane to the scene (if appropriate) from the [Render > Render Properties] settings options

3.) Add lighting to the scene (at least one render must utilize "custom" lighting i.e. point lights)

4.) Change render setting for HD output

a.) set to quality: "good" or "final"

b.) set size to at least 1200 pixels wide or tall

5.) Include, in a blog post, at least 6 HD renders of your project (six different views/perspectives).

Examples from previous semesters:






Assignment: Papercraft Research

Assigned: Friday, October 8

Due: Friday, October 15 @ class

Assignment Description:

To ramp up for our next project, Papercraft Objects, we'll be reviewing work of other artists working in the medium. Your task: read through the articles below (each is primarily photos and quite a short/quick read) and select one to review on your blog.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Look at EACH of the articles linked below.

2.) Select one that inspires you, or that you'd like to write about. If you wish to respond to an artist working in paper who is not mentioned below, you need to okay it with me by the end of the day this Friday (October 5th)

3.) Create a new blog post, and briefly introduce the topic.

4.) Include images of the artist/work you are reviewing.

5.) Explain the work as you understand it (2-3 paragraphs), and seek out additional information on the internet (i.e. videos, articles, or interviews) to expand on the artist's ideas or processes

6.) Explain how/why this artist/work inspires you or why you selected it for your review (1-2 paragraphs)

Papercraft Artists/Works

It’s Not What You Think, Every Single One of these Objects is Made of Paper

Fun with Paper: Seven Great Papercraft Projects

Wet Fold Origami Technique Gives Wavy Personality to Paper Animals by Artist Hoang Tien Quyet

Olympic Athletes Crafted From Layers of Paper by Raya Sader Bujana

Cut Rice Paper Sculptures of Twisting Rollercoasters by Bovey Lee

Cybele Young’s Paper Sculptures Depict Everyday Objects Metamorphosing into Otherworldly Creatures

[06.) Papercraft Objects: Digital Samples]

Assignment: Papercraft Objects: Digital Samples

Assigned: Friday, Oct 15

Due: Thursday, October 21st @ 12:00pm (noon!)

Assignment Description:

We will be using paper as a sculptural medium to re-create significant objects from our lives. For example, this could be a prized possession, an object that somehow represents you, an object or form that has impacted/inspired you, or even an object from your childhood.

As we research toward our papercraft object project, we will continue exploring new digital tools for design. Using Rhinoceros, create faceted forms that can be unfolded into flat templates. Both as practice, and as a form of sketching ideas in 3D, create a minimum of 8 unique forms both in 3D, and unfolded into flat paper templates.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) In Rhino, create faceted forms that are made of planar surfaces. Utilize functions such as ExtrudeCrv, Loft, Cap, and PlanarSrf.

2.) As demonstrated in class, use the explode function to break each form into surfaces, and rotate3D function to unfold them.

3.) Each student is responsible for a minimum of 8 forms - each with a folded and unfolded version.

4.) Create a new blog post, and briefly introduce the project.

5.) Include a screen shot of each form - the folded form next to the unfolded.

6.) With each form, a brief description of the form

7.) ***Remember to bring your paper supplies with you to next class!

(exacto knife, cutting mat, straight edge, glue stick)

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Examples from previous semesters:





[07.) Papercraft Objects: Printed Templates]

Assignment: Papercraft Objects: Printed Template

Assigned: Fri, October 22

Due: Thu, October 28 @ noon

Assignment Description:

We will be using paper as a sculptural medium to re-create significant objects from our lives. For example, this could be a prized possession, an object that somehow represents you, an object or form that has impacted/inspired you, or even an object from your childhood.

Create a flat template/patter for your model on paper/cardstock.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Create a printable template of your unfolded object (use 'make2d' in top-view to get rid of unnecessary polylines).

2.) Add details! Remember that it is likely you'll want to divide your object into multiple components.

3.) Print your templates on cardstock (or on paper to transfer to cardstock later).

5.) Create a new post on your process blog, and document this assignment:

a.) 3D Models

b.) 2D Templates

c.) Introduction/explanations/descriptions

6.) Bring your printed template with you to next class!

7.) ***Remember to bring your paper supplies with you to next class as well!

(exacto knife, cutting mat, straight edge, glue stick)

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Exemplary posts from previous semesters:



[08.) Papercraft Objects: First Prototype]

Assignment: Papercraft Objects: First Prototype

Assigned: Fri, Oct 29

Due: Thu, Nov 4 @ 11:59pm (Midnight!)

Assignment Description:

Let's make our objects real! Now that your templates are printed, it is time to score, cut, fold and glue them back into their 3D forms!

Assignment Requirements:

1.) If you haven't yet, print your templates on cardstock (or on paper to transfer to cardstock).

2.) Using techniques covered in todays papercraft demo, score, cut, fold and glue your papercraft objects.

3.) Document this process with photos!

4.) Create a new process blog post including images from the process, and include also a reflection on what changes you might make to your design for the final iteration.

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Exemplary posts of similar assignments from previous semesters:


[09.) Papercraft Objects: Final Revision]

Assignment: Papercraft Objects: Final Revision

Assigned: Fri, Nov 5

Due: Thu, Nov 18 @ 11:59pm (Midnight)

Assignment Description:

You have created a prototype paper model of a significant object from your life (i.e. a prized possession, an object that somehow represents you, an object or form that has impacted/inspired you, or even an object from your childhood.) Now, it is time to discuss, revise, and finalize your design and final paper creation.

Create a final paper prototype of your model. Revise your template (as needed), rethink your design, and add details.

We will make use of the laser cutter for the final revision(s) of your design.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Create a new template of your unfolded object (optional laser-cuttable templates due Tues March 23!)

2.) Take into account feedback from our peer-to-peer session. Pay attention to details!

3.) Cut your design in paper and/or cardstock. (Optionally by LASERS!) Even if everything is done by hand, all objects must be modeled in Rhino as a template.
Sign up for laser cutting appointments

4.) Fold and glue your laser-cut template into it's 3D form.

5.) Create a new post on your process blog, and document this assignment with photos, each with a brief description.

6.) Photos of your should be taken with a neutral background (no clutter, please!) and should be well-lit.

7.) Along with photos, include at least two Rhino renderings of your object, and one image of your print template.

8.) Include, also, your consideration of peer feedback from our in-progress critique.

9.) Bring your object with you to class!

10.) Your model will be assessed on design, craft, and attention to detail.

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Samples of outstanding work from previous semesters:




[10.) 3D Printed Hollow Form Object: Concept Generation]

Assignment: 3D Printed Hollow Form Object: Concept Generation

Assigned: Fri, Nov 12

Due: Thu, Nov 18

Assignment Description:

We will be working in pairs to design and create a HOLLOW FORM 3D Printed vessel - but first we will do some concept generation. We will each start by generating multiple concepts for our design.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) In Rhino, generate no less than six (6) concepts for a single or double perimeter (hollow), self-supporting vessel.

2.) As demonstrated in class, create surface models for your concepts. Use functions like extrudeCrv, planarSrf, loft, rotate and copy to generate the surfaces of your forms.

3.) ***NO BLOG POST is due for this assignment. However, be sure to take screenshots as necessary as these WILL be included in a future post.

4.) Everyone will be assigned a partner next week for the final phase of this project.

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Outstanding examples from previous semesters:


[11.) 3D Printed Hollow Form Object: The Hybrid]

Assignment: 3D Printed Hollow Form Object: The Hybrid

Assigned: Friday, Nov 19

Due: Friday, Dec 3 @ Class Start

Assignment Description:

With your partner, select three of each of your concepts and evaluate them based on the criteria below. Then, after each settling on a final selection, brainstorm how you might go about creating a hybrid of both concepts. Using Rhinoceros, Meshmixer, Tinkercad, or any other tools explored this semester, create a final design that hybridizes both concepts you and your partner selected, and print it on the FDM 3D Printer.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Select three of each of your concepts and evaluate them based on the following criteria:

a.) Function - how does this object function? Is is successful in doing so?

b.) Form - what are the aesthetic qualities of this object?

c.) Self-supporting - is this object self-supporting? Will it print without support material?

d.) 3D Printability - Is this 3D model water tight and ready to print? What is its likelihood for success in printing?

2.) Brainstorm with your partner on how you might design a hybrid of two of your designs (one of your and one of your partner's). Based on your evaluations and brainstorming, you should each select a final concept to move forward with

3.) Sketch (on paper!) at least FIVE concepts of what this design might look like

4.) Collaborate on the design of a 3D model that demonstrates hybridity of the two selected concepts. While it is possible to combine 3D models in the various software platforms we've explored, it might be necessary to rebuild - from scratch - the final hybrid object.

5.) Final object must fit within a 4 inch (x) by 4 inch (y) by 6 inch (z) box

6.) Simulate the 3D print your final design in PrusaSlic3r software.

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7.) This counts at two blog posts.

8.) In addition to images and photo documentation of all of the above steps, your posts should address all of the following:

a.) A brief (1-2 sentence) introduction to this project

b.) Your 6 original concepts, your partner's concepts, and documentation of the hybrid design.

c.) A brief written explanation of how your design represents a hybrid of the original concepts selected.

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Exemplary projects from past semesters:


Team 1: Trevor and Shuo

Team 2: April and Nigora

Team3: Hiroshi and Fatema

Team4: Jemi and Kirin

Team 5: Jason and Becca

Team 6: Jessica, Dora and Kenny

Team 7: Mackenzie, Cody and Noor

Team 8: Keegan and Arin


Assignment: Milestone Projects

Assigned: Friday, November 26

Due: Friday, Dec 3 @ Class Start

Assignment Description:

Create a final blog post to showcase milestone projects from this course.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Select at least 3 (three) images from each of the following milestone projects documentation:

a.) Objectified Response

b.) Mesh Mashup

c.) Papercraft Object

d.) Hybrid Object (Models and 3D Print)

2.) Create a new post on your process blog, and include these images (above) along with the title of each project (as listed above).