
1888 Allen & Ginter - N4- Birds of America - Baltimore Oriole, Barn Swallow, Blue Bird, Blue Bunting, Carolina Parrot, Chickadee, Crow, Cuckoo, Dipper, Goldfinch, Great Northern Diver/Loon, Humming Bird, Kingfisher, Martin, Mother Careys Chicken, Raven, Snow Bunting, Song Sparrow, Starling, Swallow-Tailed Hawk, Whip-Poor-Will, Wood Warbler

1889 Allen & Ginter - N20 - Prize & Game Chickens - Ayam Jallak Malay Game Cock, Buff Cochin China Hen, Black-Breasted Red Game Cock, Black Minorca Fowl, Dark Brahma Cockerel, Dominique, Gold-Laced Bantam, Pile Game Cock, Silver-Spangled Polish, Silver-Pencilled Hamburgh, Silver-Grey Dorking Hen, White-Faced Black Spanish Hen, White Leghorn Hen, White-Crested Black Polish, White Cochin Cock

1890 Allen & Ginter - N21 - Quadrapeds - Badger, Dromedary, Fox, Grizzly Bear, Puma, Zebra

1888 Allen & Ginter - N31 - Dudes - Roman, Tennis

1909 Theatres Old and New (T-108) - Castle Garden / New York, New Opera House / Boston

1910 Fable Series (T-57) - The Lioness, The Piping Fisherman, The Woodman and Wood Nymph

1910 Dogs (T-96) - Boston Terrier - Dick Turpin III

1912 Aeroplanes (T28) - Latham's Monoplane, The Zeppelin Airship, Wright Bro's. Aeroplane