A digital certificate, also known as a public key certificate, is used to cryptographically link ownership of a public key with the entity that owns it. Digital certificates are for sharing public keys to be used for encryption and authentication.

Digital certificates include the public key being certified, identifying information about the entity that owns the public key, metadata relating to the digital certificate and a digital signature of the public key the certificate issuer created.

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Public key cryptography depends on key pairs: one private key to be held by the owner and used for signing and decrypting and one public key that can be used for encrypting data sent to the public key owner or authenticating the certificate holder's signed data. The digital certificate enables entities to share their public key so it can be authenticated.

Digital certificates are used in public key cryptography functions most commonly for initializing Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connections between web browsers and web servers. Digital certificates are also used for sharing keys used for public key encryption and authentication of digital signatures.

All major web browsers and web servers use digital certificates to provide assurance that unauthorized actors have not modified published content and to share keys for encrypting and decrypting web content. Digital certificates are also used in other contexts, online and offline, for providing cryptographic assurance and data privacy.

Digital certificates that are supported by mobile operating environments, laptops, tablet computers, internet of things (IoT) devices, and networking and software applications help protect websites, wireless networks and virtual private networks.

As cyberthreats increase, more companies are considering attaching digital certificates to all of the IoT devices that operate at the edge and within their enterprises. The goals are to prevent cyberthreats and protect intellectual property.

An entity can create its own PKI and issue its own digital certificates, creating a self-signed certificate. This approach might be reasonable when an organization maintains its own PKI to issue certificates for its own internal use. But certificate authorities (CAs) -- considered trusted third parties in the context of a PKI -- issue most digital certificates. Using a trusted third party to issue digital certificates enables individuals to extend their trust in the CA to the digital certificates it issues.

Public key cryptography supports several different functions, including encryption and authentication, and enables a digital signature. Digital signatures are generated using algorithms for signing data so a recipient can irrefutably confirm the data was signed by a particular public key holder.

Digital signatures are generated by hashing the data to be signed with a one-way cryptographic hash; the result is then encrypted with the signer's private key. The digital signature incorporates this encrypted hash, which can only be authenticated, or verified, by using the sender's public key to decrypt the digital signature and then running the same one-way hashing algorithm on the content that was signed. The two hashes are then compared. If they match, it proves that the data was unchanged from when it was signed and that the sender is the owner of the public key pair used to sign it.

A digital signature can depend on the distribution of a public key in the form of a digital certificate, but it is not mandatory that the public key be transmitted in that form. However, digital certificates are signed digitally, and they should not be trusted unless the signature can be verified.

Web servers and web browsers use three types of digital certificates to authenticate over the internet. These digital certificates are used to link a web server for a domain to the individual or organization that owns the domain. They are usually referred to as SSL certificates even though the Transport Layer Security protocol has superseded SSL. The three types are the following:

In cryptography, a public key certificate, also known as a digital certificate or identity certificate, is an electronic document used to prove the validity of a public key.[1][2] The certificate includes the public key and information about it, information about the identity of its owner (called the subject), and the digital signature of an entity that has verified the certificate's contents (called the issuer). If the device examining the certificate trusts the issuer and finds the signature to be a valid signature of that issuer, then it can use the included public key to communicate securely with the certificate's subject. In email encryption, code signing, and e-signature systems, a certificate's subject is typically a person or organization. However, in Transport Layer Security (TLS) a certificate's subject is typically a computer or other device, though TLS certificates may identify organizations or individuals in addition to their core role in identifying devices. TLS, sometimes called by its older name Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), is notable for being a part of HTTPS, a protocol for securely browsing the web.

In a typical public-key infrastructure (PKI) scheme, the certificate issuer is a certificate authority (CA),[3] usually a company that charges customers a fee to issue certificates for them. By contrast, in a web of trust scheme, individuals sign each other's keys directly, in a format that performs a similar function to a public key certificate. In case of key compromise, a certificate may need to be revoked.

The Subject field of the certificate must identify the primary hostname of the server as the Common Name.[clarification needed] A certificate may be valid for multiple hostnames (e.g., a domain and its subdomains). Such certificates are commonly called Subject Alternative Name (SAN) certificates or Unified Communications Certificates (UCC). These certificates contain the Subject Alternative Name field, though many CAs also put them into the Subject Common Name field for backward compatibility. If some of the hostnames contain an asterisk (*), a certificate may also be called a wildcard certificate.

Client certificates authenticate the client connecting to a TLS service, for instance to provide access control. Because most services provide access to individuals, rather than devices, most client certificates contain an email address or personal name rather than a hostname. In addition, the certificate authority that issues the client certificate is usually the service provider to which client connects because it is the provider that needs to perform authentication. Some service providers even offer free SSL certificates as part of their packages.[4]

While most web browsers support client certificates, the most common form of authentication on the Internet is a username and password pair. Client certificates are more common in virtual private networks (VPN) and Remote Desktop Services, where they authenticate devices.

In accordance with the S/MIME protocol, email certificates can both establish the message integrity and encrypt messages. To establish encrypted email communication, the communicating parties must have their digital certificates in advance. Each must send the other one digitally signed email and opt to import the sender's certificate.

Some publicly trusted certificate authorities provide email certificates, but more commonly S/MIME is used when communicating within a given organization, and that organization runs its own CA, which is trusted by participants in that email system.

Self-signed certificates have their own limited uses. They have full trust value when the issuer and the sole user are the same entity. For example, the Encrypting File System on Microsoft Windows issues a self-signed certificate on behalf of the encrypting user and uses it to transparently decrypt data on the fly. The digital certificate chain of trust starts with a self-signed certificate, called a root certificate, trust anchor, or trust root. A certificate authority self-signs a root certificate to be able to sign other certificates.

An end-entity or leaf certificate is any certificate that cannot sign other certificates. For instance, TLS/SSL server and client certificates, email certificates, code signing certificates, and qualified certificates are all end-entity certificates.

These are some of the most common fields in certificates. Most certificates contain a number of fields not listed here. Note that in terms of a certificate's X.509 representation, a certificate is not "flat" but contains these fields nested in various structures within the certificate.

This is an example of a decoded SSL/TLS certificate retrieved from SSL.com's website. The issuer's common name (CN) is shown as SSL.com EV SSL Intermediate CA RSA R3, identifying this as an Extended Validation (EV) certificate. Validated information about the website's owner (SSL Corp) is located in the Subject field. The X509v3 Subject Alternative Name field contains a list of domain names covered by the certificate. The X509v3 Extended Key Usage and X509v3 Key Usage fields show all appropriate uses.

In the European Union, (advanced) electronic signatures on legal documents are commonly performed using digital signatures with accompanying identity certificates. However, only qualified electronic signatures (which require using a qualified trust service provider and signature creation device) are given the same power as a physical signature.

In the X.509 trust model, a certificate authority (CA) is responsible for signing certificates. These certificates act as an introduction between two parties, which means that a CA acts as a trusted third party. A CA processes requests from people or organizations requesting certificates (called subscribers), verifies the information, and potentially signs an end-entity certificate based on that information. To perform this role effectively, a CA needs to have one or more broadly trusted root certificates or intermediate certificates and the corresponding private keys. CAs may achieve this broad trust by having their root certificates included in popular software, or by obtaining a cross-signature from another CA delegating trust. Other CAs are trusted within a relatively small community, like a business, and are distributed by other mechanisms like Windows Group Policy. e24fc04721

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