MAKING WAVES offers an overview of the best new Romanian filmmaking each year and introduces American audiences to landmark films rarely seen in the U.S. The festival has run in New York since 2006 when it was launched by the Romanian Cultural Institute in New York, in collaboration with other partners. Notably, in 2011, the festival moved to the Film Society of Lincoln Center.

Additional guests attending the festival will include Cannes-winners actresses Cristina Flutur and Cosmina Stratan [BEYOND THE HILLS], director Tudor Giurgiu [OF SNAILS AND MEN; also producer of SOMEWHERE IN PALILULA, and the president of long time partner, Transilvania International Film Festival], actor Andi Vasluianu [OF SNAILS AND MEN], director Radu Gabrea [THREE DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS], producer Ada Solomon [EVERYBODY IN OUR FAMILY and BEST INTENTIONS], with more guests to be announced soon.

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The Festival Board includes Corina Şuteu, festival president; Mihai Chirilov, artistic director; Scott Foundas, associate program director at Film Society of Lincoln Center and Oana Radu, festival manager.

Public and Press Screenings will be held at the Film Society of Lincoln Center's Walter Reade Theater (located at 165 West 65th Street, between Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway), with a selection of public screenings to also take place at the Elinor Bunin Munroe Film Center (located at 144 West 65th Street). The press screening schedule will be announced in early November. Tickets will go on sale Thursday, November 1st.

Romanian Film Initiative

Recently established by Corina Şuteu, Mihai Chirilov and Oana Radu, the core team that initiated and organized the Romanian Film Festival in NYC since 2006, the Romanian Film Initiative aims to continue supporting a strong presence of Romanian cinema in New York City and to further develop the MAKING WAVES: New Romanian Cinema festival.

De aceea, (re)descoperirea de sine este una dintre cele mai mari provocri ale vieii: este cheia echilibrului i a bucuriei de a tri cu sens. Ne ajut s fim mulumii de noi i de relaiile pe care le stabilim cu cei din jurul nostru, att n viaa personal, ct i n cea profesional.

Toate alegerile pe care le-am fcut n via m-au transformat n cine sunt astzi. Mi-au adus, totodat, convingerea c menirea mea este s ghidez oamenii s priveasc nuntrul lor i s gseasc acolo surse inepuizabile de echilibru, autenticitate i bucurie.

Tot ce vom face mpreun te ajut s priveti orice situaie din toate perspectivele, s observi, s contientizezi, s experimentezi, s priveti n propria oglind emoional! Atunci se va produce transformarea la nivel profund i vei fi, astfel, mai aproape de cine eti tu cu adevrat!

This series provides a crash course in the New Romanian Cinema, with a special focus on four of its most important and innovative directors: Chrisi Puiu, Cristian Nemescu, Catalin Mitulescu and Corneliu Porumboiu. Together these gifted artists have given Romanian cinema a refreshingly new vernacular forged by rich stylistic and thematic predilections, most notably their frequent use of meditative long shots and the trenchant humor which infuses their exploration of post-Ceausescu Romania. Willing to dismantle even the most venerable of Romanian cultural institutions, this new generation of young artists has produced one of the most innovative, audacious and essential national cinemas.

In a variety meanings of the word PARTNER we chose the one related to work and business where it defines one person associated with another in some action or endeavor, one or two or more people, business, organizations, etc. that work together or do business together, collaborate on a specific project, program, initiative.

If you share any of the above, My Balkans is inviting you to become a PARTNER, to collaborate with us, to brainstorm together, to cooperate in promoting the cultural and social mission we are based on, to co-produce excellent artistic ideas, spread the word about the importance of our unity and engagement

That is all we are asking from a PARTNER.

Initiated and co-presented by Insula 42 Association (previously Film ETC), in partnership with leading American film organizations, Making Waves: New Romanian Cinema is the leading comprehensive U.S. festival dedicated to showcasing and celebrating the best in Romanian contemporary cinema.

CLIO was founded in 1990 as a private publishing company. It has initiated fifteen libraries within which around 850 titles in total have been published so far. These titles include modern literature from all over the world, collections of short stories, essays and criticism, history, social sciences, ecology, multimedia, marketing. The ARS project, for example, consists of seceral libraries: theatre, music, film, art, etc. A special library includes monographies on individual artists. Agora has been initiated to publish books on culture, sociology and anthropology, and in Polis we publish history. CLIO also publishes two periodicals, one dealing with music and the other with Slavic cultures.

The main characteristic of the company is a consistent publishing policy based on permanent cultural and democratic values and constant endeavour to supply readers with impartial and objective information, to create a dialogue, and to offer a high-quality choice which encourages an active relationship between the publishing company and readers. After all, these are necessary steps to be taken in order to follow the path of democratic progress, and books do encourage an open type of communications with the public.

No Borders Orchestra is symphony orchestra comprised of outstanding professional musicians from the former Yugoslavia. Besides its artistic excellence, NBO has educational and strong social and political significance. It is based on the deconstruction of stereotypes, overcoming nationalism, racism, xenophobia and the gory legacy from the past. No Borders Orchestra has emerged from the desire to create a regional professional symphony orchestra, a project which calls for a new kind of communication and involvement in the society.

Qendra Multimedia is a cultural organization based in Pristina, Kosovo. Its main focus is in contemporary theater and literature. It is considered to be one of the most interesting and provocative theater companies in South Eastern Europe. Qendra was founded in 2002 by a group of young artists aiming to create an alternative form of art production to address political and social issues with clarity and imagination. Qendra produces and co-produces fresh and innovative theater performances and other literary and cultural events, for local and international audiences. Artistic exchanges with international partners are crucial in the work of Qendra Multimedia.

K.R.O.K.O.D.I.L. is an acronym in Serbian. It stands for: Literary Regional Gathering That Alleviates Boredom and Lethargy. Association KROKODIL is dedicated to the production of literary, cultural and sociopolitical programs and projects with the aim of developing literary audiences among those that are interested in culture as such. KROKODIL is also dedicated to the promotion of dialogue, reconciliation and reconstruction of broken links, particularly in the region of the Western Balkans, as well as deepening mutual understanding and acceptance of differences within the wider European and global context.

Oana Radu face un gest n premier n Romnia! Vedeta a anunat c accept s cnte gratis la evenimentele oamenilor. Dei cererea este foarte mare i este foarte dorit la spectacole, artista a decis s renne la onorariu! Iat cine poate fi scutit de plata a cteva mii de euro!

Tot mai muli romni au acum ansa s se distreze alturi de Oana Radu la evenimentele lor! Nu vor mai avea nevoie de bani i nu vor mai fi nevoii s i fac griji din acest motiv, cci artista a anunat c accept s cnte i gratuit. Este anunului momentului, cci puini artiti au fcut acest lucru!

Oana Radu face parte dintre cei mai iubii artiti din Romnia, astfel c i onorariul pe care oamenii tebuie s l plteasc se ridic la cteva mii de euro. Aceas sum poate fi imposibil de pltit pentru multe persoane, astfel c Oana Radu a decis s le vin n ajutor.

Artista a anunat c va cnta gratuit la evenimentele oamenilor care nu au suficieni bani pentru a o plti. Oana Radu i-a invitat s solicite prezena ei printr-un mesaj, unde s i spun povestea.

Oana Radu a impus o condiie important pentru oamenii care vor s solicite un concert gratuit din partea ei. Nu conteaz tipul evenimentului sau unde are loc, ci conteaz doar ca persoana pentru care va face spectacol s nu poat, ntr-adevr, s i ofere banii necesari pentru o prestaie.

Oana Radu a fcut un gest remarcabil n Romnia, anunnd c va cnta gratuit la evenimentele oamenilor. Chiar dac solicitrile sunt numeroase i este foarte solicitat la spectacole, artista a decis s renune la onorariu. Iat cine poate beneficia de aceast iniiativ!

Tot mai muli romni au acum ocazia s se distreze alturi de Oana Radu la evenimentele lor! Nu vor mai fi nevoii s i fac griji din cauza banilor, deoarece artista a anunat c este dispus s cnte gratuit. Este o veste extraordinar, avnd n vedere c puini artiti au fcut acest gest pn acum!

Oana Radu va oferi spectacole gratuite la evenimentele oamenilor. Fiind printre cei mai ndrgii artiti din Romnia, onorariul su pentru participare la evenimente se ridic la cteva mii de euro. Aceast sum poate fi imposibil de achitat pentru multe persoane, iar Oana Radu a decis s vin n ajutorul lor.

Artista a anunat c va cnta gratuit la evenimentele oamenilor care nu i permit s o plteasc. Oana Radu i invit s solicite prezena ei printr-un mesaj, unde s i mprteasc povestea. 152ee80cbc

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