Form Letters

Letter of Concern to Governor Inslee: We have created a form letter that includes formal addressing, topic of concern and formal closing; the body of the letter will contain your personal concerns, followed by your signature after the closing. If you are interested in using this template to compose a letter to Governor Inslee, please notify me via email: We will assemble together (date and time, place TBD) with our letters, take photos of the letters, attach a formal introduction of the letters and send them out to the Governor’s office at the same time. We would like to send these letters no later than November 17, 2018. We will then follow-up by email two weeks later.


ACH Gov.docx

To use this form letter:

  1. simply click on "pop out" icon that appears in the upper right corner if the image.
  2. Click on the printer icon in the upper right corner to print OR
  3. Click on the download icon to save it to your computer.

Petition(s): Petitions, paper and electronic are being created to submit no later than December 14, 2018. This will give the Governor’s office adequate time to respond before Legislative Session begins in January and before our protest on the steps of the Capitol.

Community Voice Protest:

Monday, January 14, 2019

1st Day of Opening Legislative Sessions

Capitol Steps

623 Eastside Street SE Olympia, WA 98501

(Date may change according to Senate/House Committees permanent Legislative schedules)

My Contact Information:

Tracy Ingram

Oakbrook Community Voice