What your donations will pay for this year

By contributing to the Oak Hills T.E.A.M campaign drive this year, you support and enhance programs at Oak Hills! 

Art for the entire school year: Students will be able to enjoy a full school year of art with an art teacher from Art Trek. Funds raised will go toward paying for this program for all grade levels.

Brain Pop: An online program with thousands of instructional videos for students in TK-12 to learn about all facets of life including science, social studies, English, math, engineering, technology, health, arts, and music. BrainPOP is more than just videos though -with quizzes, higher-order thinking activities, related reading articles, games, and conceptual idea mapping students can not only learn about a subject but put their learning into practice to extend it further. Plus, with built-in text-to-speech options, BrainPop meets the needs of even our youngest users, including our students with disabilities and those learning English as their second language.

Innovation and Music Program Enhancements: Funds raised will go towards enhancing our music, and technology programs by providing the necessary supplies for students and staff.

5th Grade Activities: Funding goes toward the culmination ceremony, as well as the 5th grade T-shirts.

Spelling Bee: The PTA both funds and organizes our school’s annual spelling bee for upper-grade students.

Kodable: Kodable takes the guesswork out of Computer Science Education. Their expert-designed games, activities, and creative tools help kids learn fundamental coding concepts in a fun, interactive world that prepares them for a future in the digital age.  Lower-grade students will have the opportunity to work on problem-solving, collaboration, communication, resilience, and show their creativity.

Other great things we are able to provide: At least two cultural events throughout the year, discounted prices on Oak Hills Yearbooks, STEAM Night, and Book Fair Family Night.  In addition, your donations also fund our loop supervision to make dropping off your children in the morning a safer and smoother experience. 

Every family that donates will receive an Oak Hills car magnet! 

Here is how you can help support these amazing programs!  

PayPal Payment Plan

A 10-month Payment Plan is available for T.E.A.M. donations.  Please use the links below based on the amount you would like to donate. 

$275 T.E.A.M. Donation - $27.50 per month

$550 T.E.A.M. Donation - $55.00 per month

$825 T.E.A.M. Donation - $82.50 per month

Pay Now

Cash or Check  (payable to the Oak Hills PTA): Please complete this form and drop your donation and form off at the Oak Hills office.  

Credit Card: Make your payment through our ParentSquare post.

Please remember that all donations no matter the dollar amount are tax-deductible eligible and can be matched by many companies. For more information regarding corporate matching please CLICK HERE.


In order to deliver a high-quality program for our students, we depend on voluntary donations from parents. Please know again, however, that ALL students will receive the same opportunities, experiences, and/or materials regardless of whether a contribution is made. Please also know that if we do not raise the anticipated amount set aside for the budget this year, the supported programs will have to cut back on extra opportunities for our students in the future. For further information and legal references, you can visit this website: https://www.oakparkusd.org/donationsguidelines