<< AI:Welcome Overseer- wait a second... SCANNING. You don't have sufficient clearance to view this... How did you get in?>>

<<UNAUTHORISED USER DETECTED. Deploying Kill agent and notifying MTF Alpha-1>>

Since the dawn of time...

or maybe before? or maybe after. It really doesn't matter- For as long as those behind the facade can remember, the Overseer 5 Council has called the shots, toppled governments, disappeared leaders and shifted the course of history all to preserve the veil.

I am but one individual in a long line of Overseers to hold the title of 'dash two', or maybe we never change, maybe I don't exist, or maybe I do. It really doesn't matter because you'll never know- and even if you could find out... since you're reading this you won't be conscious for long- so you might as well keep reading right? Curiosity is a hell of a thing isn't it, people kill for it, and more importantly people will die for it. 

Enjoy my files while you can and bask in the classified information that millions perish to protect- or maybe this is a fake file that is given to intruders as a distraction, and you're dying alone and painfully for no reason. 

O5-4 Observations

Gender: ??? Supposedly European descent. Appearance unknown. Actual age unknown. No known identifying factors. -4 has only ever been perceived by operatives of MTF Alpha-1. Senior Clearance 4 personnel who are summoned to meetings with '-4' are not seen again. They never existed.

O5-4 "The Puppeteer" is supposedly a duplicate of SD-65 Elias Bouchard, who served as both Site Director and initially a Major in MTF Omega-1, although this like everything else is unconfirmed. It is unknown where the duplicate was obtained from (see SCP-2000).

This Overseer remains unseen, preferring to utilise a vast network of informants and Council Assistants to carry out their bidding and orders, and different Site Directors have given vastly contradicting reports of the appearance and manner of O5-4. It is suspected they utilise body doubles to pose as them... almost like puppets-

Incident Report #???? "-4s Selection"


Floor 3


*The council of overseers sits in their chamber and are debating the millionth issue of the day, when O5-3, who was introducing the policy is interrupted by an individual sitting in the seat of O5-4*

O5-3: This is why we need to utilise the Assistants office more to supervi- 

???: If I may say, I have been a long standing support of this and have been suggesting this very idea for atleast three years-

O5-5: ...wait a damn second, who are you? Get me Alpha-1!

How did you even get in here... when did you get in here and.. how? Noone sits in the seat of -4. The seat remains vacant. I have not been notified of a new member selected!

"The Puppeteer": I'm sorry, I don't quite follow. I've been on this Council for many many years. Although I have not been present until now.

*The unknown Overseer gestures towards the 13th portrait on the wall of current overseers*

O5-8: Thirteen? Yeah sure. I've heard quite enough. Computer, scan the room!

 >  Present in: Overseer Council chamber- O5-8, O5-7, O5-5 O5-4, O5-3, O5-2 (formerly O5-13)

O5-5: dash 13? But you're a myth? There has never been a -13. It's just a tie-breaker vote

O5-4: Call your Administrator. It'll confirm it. Or perhaps he'll call you...

O5-5: C-call the administrator? Are you insane?

*The conference phone in the centre of the table rings*

O5-4 raises his hands in a satisfied manner, as if stepping back

Assistant "B": "Please hold for the Administrator"

A: "Dash 13. Congratulations on your elevation. Council Members, allow -4 time, they will not be used to participating in council. Those who hold 13... play a different role and will not be familiar with its processes."

O5-3: o-oh of course.

O5-3: Members, back to business- shall we?

(OOC: "The Puppeteers past as -13 will be explored in the "story line" bit of my application, and developed if I am chosen for o5 council)

Alpha-1 Incident Report "???"


S-65 IA Operatives have overheard a conversation of interest in the canteen, IA Command has in turn elevated it to us. See transcript.

Snr Researcher Allan Jones: You seen one of the new DEA Department Managers? I swear he's a spitting image of one of our Site Directors from a few years ago?

Tech Expert Roberts: What are you talking about? Its just about time you retired man...

It is suspected that "Senior Researcher Allan Jones" may have not been amnestied after Incident ▮▮▮. Requesting OSA verdict. 



R: Dr Allan Jones

Thank you for your report. 

Members of MTF Alpha-1 ??? have been dispatched for site-wide of Site-65.

It is imperative that Site Director Elias Bouchard remains wiped from all records below CL5 due to the [][][][][][] Initiative.

Glory to the Foundation. Long live the Council.

Overseer Assistant 'Shadow'